The Secretary of Strawberries loves The Wizard of Oz - the movie. She can sort of sing all the songs (Weoff tsee dizard unerfoo izardoz; Dindon thitch is ded itchoitch titchoitch) you get the picture. She looks at me as her best friend - and we play so well together. So all my worries seem insignificant when I am with Beanie.
Meanwhile, there are realities: the person who'd agreed to be my backup financial support as I build my business has conveniently forgotten the amount agreed upon. This presents a significant problem for me, as I have almost no income at the moment - two months behind on mortgage payments, late to the point of default on two credit cards, late on my health insurance, two months late on car insurance - on and on. And I'm not alone in this - so many people are suffering, everyone in the Travel business is experiencing the normal slow season woes, but this is worse. Some agencies are closing their doors. Restaurants are suffering. House sales are down as people can't afford to sell (let alone buy). Will I be able to do something to avoid foreclosure? I don't know.
I have business - I have clients who are traveling, booking trips, but they are not going until March, April, May, June, July -- all future travel, and I will not be paid until they travel. It is foolish to give up hope, but I am looking for a job, to supplement while I build my own independent business. Fear? Yes. Despair? Not yet.
Hang in there, we are all on the same leaking boat and uh, tonight's Super Lotto Jackpot is $15 million. Sure, we have as much of a chance of winning as Dubya does of waking up and turning the country around, but, hey...
Ugh. I don't play the lottery, but maybe I will. I win, you'll certainly get a nice cut.
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear this. You're definitely not alone. Hang in there as Cormac said.
You can come live with us if you need to.
Cormac, I've been winning big on facebook Texas Hold 'Em, but that's just play money.
Randal, quick, go buy a ticket! I would do it myself, but I'm short of cash.
Bubs, I am in Chicago, freezing - what's up with this weather? The weather I take personally. The economy, not so much.
Dr. Monkey, that's quite a lovely offer - can I bring my grand child?
Oh soooooo sorry. I'm sending you an e mail.
I understand what you are going through. My husband is a Union Carpenter and nobody is building right now. My job doesn't pay a lot either. I am noticing there are more people helping each other though, and much more consideration is given. Just remember to take care of yourself through this~
Fran, it's so crazy - I am working on a honeymoon quote, and she's also talking to another agency - right now, my quote is better and less expensive, but do I have a deposit? Not yet.
Ms. Lea - it's all the "optional" stuff that suffers first. Then when we don't get money, the necessities suffer. It's crazy.
Gee is it Friday already? Funny, when I first saw Beanie before I started reading I was thinking hey she looks like Dorothy! Love it, enjoy!
Looking for a temp job or something is not giving up hope it is being realistic and pragmatic! Good luck and just relax you will be okay!
Oh my. I understand (as you know). I'm keeping a good thought for you. I hope that you can come up with something to supplement until the travel dollars start to roll in.
oh Jood! you make me feel less alone but that doesn't make me happy.
I am late on so many bills. I almost lost my health insurance all together because I don't qualify as a group anymore. I manged to get an individ policy but it's $980 a month. All my utilities are 2 months late and ... well you know.
I can't work either of the PT jobs I have had for 2 years now because of the ankle BS.
I am searching for every freelance writing/blogging job I can think of. I have signed up with a couple of sites but my gut instinct is that they are full of crap. If one of them seems viable I will let you know.
Sobering post and comments. I feel that lick of fear in my tummy because you know that I care what happens to you. I want it all to be better. Meanwhile, I'm sending you lotsa good energy and karma.
That photo is a real smile-maker. Love the "new" lyrics to Dorothy's song!
Unemployed since July. Graduate in May. Unemployment runs out some time in December...
I'm sending love. I know you can't eat it or pay bills with it but...
Beanie is the best. Like Boarder I love the new lyrics. These I can remember now. Can you record her and play her to us?
Oh Diva, my dear Diva Jood.
Hang in there. And fear, while present is a moveable object.
I hear and feel your every word my friend.
If I come into some huge sum, you will be hearing from me directly!
And I send you my every good thought and wish just incase the huge sum does not appear!!!
I have no words to make you feel better Diva.
Just know that I love you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep hanging in there, kiddo.
Having a grand-daughter and daughter as cool as those two has really gotta help!
Lissen, iffen I hit the lottery this weekend.... boy, will I send you the business!!!
Any excuse to get naked, I say.
Beanie has good taste in movies; and grandmas.
Sending warm wishes to you on the employment/empowerment front.
Nice to see the SecStrawberries and Beanie again. My best to them and to you. like Cormac said, hang in there and don't let despair beat you down. You have your life and a loving family to lean back on. :^)
One of my co-worker friends is expecting her parents to come and live with her and her family next month. There are so many unexpected twists to the current debacle, aren't there? I'm sorry to hear about your current problems and will keep sending good wishes your way that things clear up soon.
My dear Diva - I'm keeping you in my prayers. These times are so rough. We're in the same boat as so many of our friends - behind on mortgage and bills, and no way of knowing where the money is going to come from, or if it's going to come, or what are we going to do if it doesn't.
So I am really taking the 'One Day At At Time' thing at its word, and keep doing the footwork in the meantime. I refuse to suffer one single minute before I have to. I refuse to not take joy in what I do have today in fear of what I might not have tomorrow. This 24 hours I have what I need, and if worst comes to worst, I guarantee that we will all be there for each other with food and shelter. I have a spare couch (at least for now!)
I love you, Diva! And the Beanie is so very cute.
Boy, oh boy do I understand!
Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.........have not fear, have faith.
Thinking of you!
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