Still in Chicago, still don't have much to say, but I could not let the 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day go unmentioned. HIV/AIDS must be a priority on President-Elect Obama's agenda. This disease has not gone away, will not go away, unless there is a sincere focus on prevention, as well as treatment. A Vaccine is possible, and should have been found by now. HIV/AIDS does not target one specific group, or race, or religion. It is not gender-specific. This is everyone's responsibility, and we should all take action.
An excellent reminder that this is still a huge issue, very much not spoken about these days.
Thank you.
So many of the friends of my youth are dead...
Thanks for reminding us of destroyer of love, friendship, family.
Hi Jood~ I've been thinking about you, hope you are OK.
Yes-- HIV/AIDS is something we really need to work on eradicating. Make the existing meds affordable and available, and work towards a cure. I just took an AIDS quiz. I had no idea about the current numbers.
Here is the link to the test. (copy & paste)
The government has a very informative web page about AIDS at http://www.aids.gov/
I agree with this but I'm cynical. More people die each year from influenza than AIDS and we can't seem to help those people even though influenza is more readily curable. If people had to see the faces of these diseases every day, there would be more of an effort to do something but the people who can afford treatment get treatment. Those who cannot are invisible to those who could make a difference.
You've stated this quite well. Although some advances have been made in the medications areas, more needs to be done.
I hope all is well with you Diva! I included it in a book once but cures are not in the interest of Drug companies. They make their money from remedies not cures. They need to keep the money coming and cures would keep it away. You know there would be cures for most things by now!
It's true what AAP said but so is it also true that continuing environmental degradation isn't helping any of us.
Amen Jood!
Word and such. Enjoy your time away from the tubes.
What everyone here said... and this... let's not forget the cost in lives.
Bingo Susan along with the use of depleted uranium we are spreading in the atmosphere with its use in weapons!
Double Amen!
I still recall with resentment GWBush receiving the thunderous applause of Congress as he announced all the money we'd be sending to Africa to address this issue.
I don't remember anything much actually happening after that.
Yes, Bush did send money to Africa for Aids drugs, but only with an abstinence only approach for prevention. No condoms, no clean needles, or so I'm betting. I hope Obama does a better job, by being realistic about prevention.
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