And afterward, she said to me by telephone "Gramma, I had the best time, and got lots of candy, and Happy Birthday, and I love you very much." Which sounded like "Babah bah ba ba bah bah doggie doggie bah bah."
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
cute punkin!
Betmo, she's a cute CHICKEN. Col. Sanders better keep away.
I thought I put my camera in my computer case this morning, guess I didn't. So much for that blog post. Great pictures, and I hope your little chicken had a good haul!
I think it must be in the genes, the way grandmas can interpret their grand-daughter's sentences. I love the way that works. She's a cute little chicken.
Frederick, I presume you had good photos of a child trick or treating eh? And yes, that little chicken had a great time.
Glenda, thank you! Now, she went to a party, and there was another little baby dressed in the exact same costume. They stared at each other, my daughter said it was hilarious.
Robin Andrea, we have babel fish in our ears. That's how we can translate.
LOL- so cute!
Let's try this again WITHOUT 50 million spelling errors, shall we?:
I just want to squeeze her feathers til she goes "cluck." Her mommy and daddy must have been so proud to escort their lil clucker.
That's a cute chicken if I ever saw one!
Jennster, thank you. She's very smart, she makes me laugh.
Tina, they had more fun taking her trick or treating, it was great.
Sumo, she liked being a chicken. She equates it with getting candy.
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