My Gramma is busy packing for her trip to Bhutan, which is really far away and I won't be able to say "doggie" to her til she comes home in two weeks. But she asked me to fill in for her today and I have an important message.
Vote on Tuesday. Vote as if your life depends on it, or at least mine. Because my future is in your hands. Somehow a crazy man who isn't too smart wound up as your President, and he's got some very mean friends who don't like to take care of the earth and who hate everyone who isn't like them. And so if you vote for the nice people, then we might be able to stop polluting the air, and we might be able to bring the soldiers home from Iraq, where they are getting killed and maimed and worse, made to be crazy people who lose their souls.
So please vote, because I am too young to vote still. I'm only 19 1/2 months old, really, and Gramma had to translate this, because what it sounded like was "Hi, doggie doggie bah bah bah." But it's what I meant.
XXOO. Oh, and she said to tell you it's an open thread til she gets back. Peace.
Hey Beanie-- tell your gramma to have a fantastic journey to far-off Bhutan. I'll miss her and look forward to hearing about this trip. And, you are already a fine blogger. I hope you'll post often. I like what you have to say.
I've got my fingers crossed and I'm holding my breath until Tuesday. If there are any other tricks I don't know about, please let me know! Go Dems!
Dear Bean...you the cutest sweetest little redhead I've ever seen. And I think you have a bright future as a politican...you are very diplomatic to say the least. I know that you'll miss your Gramma...but at least you have your doggie to love on. Play dress-up and sing to the doggie...and she'll be back in no time. We hope she has a grand time.
Hey Beanie: Make sure you tell your grandma to have a safe, wonderful, and joyous trip. And I have already absentee voted for your future, BabyGirl's future, and my Baby to Be's future. Somebody has to think of your future for Barney the Dinosaur's sake.
What a cutie patootie! Have a great trip, grandma.
Well Beanie
The Democrats would have my vote if I could vote in America.
I come from a land downunder where the Kangaroos hop free.
Tell Gramma to have a great time in Bhutan.
Not only will I vote, but I've been calling people all weekend to remind them o vote too!!!
Kiddo, I'm voting for you and me and all good people. That's what true Americans do. We'll try to "cut and run" all the bad men out of Washington.
Oh Bean, I really hope so. Chris and I live in a place where we all have mail in ballots and we voted as soon as we possibly could. Because we wanted our votes to get there, and we wanted them to count. I thought we were acting like my two year old grandson who asks you to 'put blue' on it from the glue stick and than he places it down and pushes with his whole little body. We are pushing with our whole selves. Because we don't want any more fathers and mothers of babies to die in this labyrynth of arrogance and blindness. We don't want any more children, or grandchildren maimed or dead because of lies and greed and power hunger. I hope enough of us are pushing. I hope enough of us are through cowering in our homes and being afraid and not being able to listen to what is happening anymore. I sure hope so, sweetie.
We voted Little One, please be sure to tell your Gramma that we voted and we did indeed VOTE like our lives depended on it.....
you better come back before we all stop cheering and gloating over the GOP's defeat. you're missing out on all the fun.
Best news ever for you, Beanie, and your Gramma... we won... both the House and Senate. Woohoo. Your gramma is going to be very, very happy when she gets home.
Hey, all y'all! Almost back from my trip - and it turns out that all the people who were with me in Bhutan were Democrats, waiting for the results. It was amazing. We had our own party.
Apparently, only Democrats like to go to Bhutan.
Ellie Bean, who is 20 months old today, thanks you.
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