So but I waiting for a call from ether Presinet-elec Obama or his Cheefsaff Rammanul,
telling asking me to be Secretary of Strawberries an Cream an such even tho my gramma din't win the lecshun. She voted for Obama insted of herself but she paid he Campaign Manger
Randal six times nuthin slavery. An she thanks everbody who sported her campaign wich wasn't too many but thanks anyways.
We like Rammanul, he blongs to the same
singog temple as my cuson David and he went to the same
skool as my mommy an my unka Aman went to only not at the same time. Coz he's older than my mommy and unka Aman.
So this in'sit a dreem we all gonna wake up from an say oops. Barack Obama is reely the new Presinet-elec an we be done soon with the Bush.
I think we need to call the transition team to make sure the Secretary of Strawberries and Cream position isn't filled by an obviously unqualified adult.
Was the Secretary of Strawberries And Cream just driving a tractor??? She should head up the Agriculture Department as well.
I read up on Rahm last night and I am so incredibly geeked up (except for his time with Freddie Mac) about him, especially his helping to save Bill Clinton's campaign during the '92 Primaries.
And for all of the Joe The Scummers and all the other nuts that were flinging that "death of Israel" nonsense? Rahm Emmanuel says "kiss my tuchus!"
Yeah for Rahm. Me and my dogs like him too even though we didn't got to temple with him. We like him cause he wanted to peach the Bush and all. He sent me an emails asking me to seen speaker Pelosi a nasty note to make her take peachment off the off the table thingy.
I think you're clearly the strongest candidate for the post! I'm sure your gramma will be sad to see you leave her campaign staff, but she'll be very proud of you!
I'm sure there is a place for you in the Obama administration. You're too cute for words!
And you're from Chicago. You're part of the Machine!
I think the confirmation fight over your appointment as Secretary of Strawberries could be ugly. It tends to get that way with the more powerful cabinet positions.
All right it is Friday Beanie Day! I think Rahm was a good choice and a wake up call to Frick and Frack Reid and Pelosi!
"we be done soon with the Bush"-- Strawberry Girl I love the way you deliver the message.
I'm sure that her appointment will be grandmothered in.
I recognize that tractor. Oh, if the Sec of S & C would ever honor my city with a visit again...I might faint.
Dear Secretttery of Strawberries.....
I have writeen Mr. Obla-bama with a recommmmennedation for a new position of Dept. of Strawberriys.
I hope you hear from him soon. If not, right me and I will right him agin.
come see me, I've given you an award.
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