Babs and the modernized version of "Let them eat cake." This callous disregard for our military men and women, and their parents, bears remembering. It bears repeating. Barbara Bush lacks compassion, she lacks integrity, and she lacks a soul. For if her son can send these young men and women off to war, then she and her family should have the decency to honor them when they fall.
It boggles the mind that she actually said these very words.
Let's not forget what she said when she saw all the (brown) faces at the Astrodome after Hurricane Katrina sent refugees from New Orleans to Houston.
"What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them."
What a hag!
I could not be more appalled. Diva, bless you for raising up this comment for all to see. Robert: all the more appalling! And just when I thought the worst was over.
[Wow, Diva, thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll. It is an honor.]
Robert they allowed Katrina to do what Politicians tried to do for years and failed and that was to get rid of all the poor and the public housing and it worked. They are tearing the developments down and will only let enough of the poor back to service the Industry of the affluent primarily the tourist industry. It is a very long subject so I'll stop here!
Diva! She is a pompous arrogant ass! I am sick of the Bush attitude! Bush's parents and his ass wife owe the entire country and world a severe apology and then some for hiding the idiocy of the chief fool instead of speaking the truth about the life long loser.
I saw a video once I wish I could find! It was an interview of Daddy when he was President and little George was in it and obviously drunk babbling like an idiot as he still does!
Reagan started this crap, daddy progressed it, and they needed someone too stuppid to think to finish the mess. That iis why they stole the mindless idiot in!
What I see this fall is not pretty so I will just shut up!
I did a double take and had to reread that sentence half a dozen times before it hit me!
I don't own a TV and that is why!
Too many people blabbering on about their tea & biscuits ...
After a non-Bush is inaugurated, I hope that all we hear from them is whining over little Georgie's prosecution.
What scares me is that comments like this don't even surprise me anymore. There is such an incredible gap in knowledge, compassion, and just overall human decency between the very rich and the rest of the country that this kind of attitude is not even shocking. And it's not just the Bush family. It's all these wealthy people that we in America have such a love-hate relationship with. Even if they don't say these kinds of idiotic, hateful things, they still display their disregard for the live of average citizens in their ostentatious lifestyles. Whether we're talking about politicians, Hollywood celebrities, sports stars, it doesn't matter. They live in such rarified air that most are completely out of touch. The President doesn't even know how much a gallon of gas costs for Christ's sake. And this is the person who is supposed to lead us in developing an energy policy. It is sickening.
Robin, Barbara Bush is without soul.
Robert, oh, the horror - black people stayed in Texas after Brownie did a heckuvajob.
BE, we need to take the light of truth and keep shining it on these people.
Jim, she is a pompous, arrogant ass. Absolutely true.
Pedestrian, well, Babs just didn't want to soil her beautiful mind.
Blueberry, when Bab's flag-draped coffin is on display (after all, she is old) I personally don't wish to soil my beautiful mind with that image.
Drdon, they do live in a bubble of non-reality. The blatant waste and excessive life-style is no different than the court of the Sun King. I don't know about you, but I currently cannot afford the cake being offered.
At least the Sun King could say there was some good music around his tyrannical ass. All we got was John Ashcroft.
Randal, good music and some nifty furniture, I'm just saying.
Let's not forget the infamous Katrina comment:
What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.
Yes, you evil bitch. People without money lost their homes and it turned out well for them. Are these the same people who are living in poisonous trailers in Louisiana thanks to your rotten spawn?
What a great family!
* Sire Herbert Walker Bush sold weapons to the Nazis in the middle of WWII.
* Pappy Bush worked for Nixon and the CIA.
You and I may not always agree with Bill Moyers, but he was on target when he said that "George Bush is the most deeply unprincipled man in American poltics today. He strikes me as possessing no essential core. There is no fundamental line from which he will not retreat....I have watched him for almost 30 years and have never known him to take a stand except for political expediency."
* Lil' Shit Bush has single handedly made a mess of this nation.
And you ever notice how no mention of Neil Bush makes MSM (see above link) and here?
Same with good ole Jeb. Just plain hateful people. You struck a nerve divajood.
Ah, Stella, these are truly dispicable people.
The Bushes? Despicable would be an improvement. I anxiously await January 20th.
Stella, if that were not so painfully true, it would be funny. Yes, despicable would be a step up.
I never thought anyone could top Nancy Reagan in the bitch dept until Babs came along (though she kind of hid it during H.W.'s stint, didn't she; she waited til her son was in before she let the real Babs out).
Look at the off spring.
Surprising is that anyone listens or cares what these people think or say at all! ; (
DK, at least Nancy supports Stem Cell Research, and wears Galliano.
Coffee, I think it is essential to shine the light on their greed.
yeah I know, Diva, the only soft spot I have for Nancy is for what she went through with Reagan's Alzheimers. Of course GWB's stance on stem cell research was probably based on things his Mama Babs taught him -- like looking the other way at any pain & suffering that might be alleviated with stem cell research. Oh but you can bet if he or any of his close family were diagnosed with something deadly that stem cell research had even the slightest chance of helping, he'd be right in there promoting the hell out of it. "It's always wise to err on the side of life" was how he put it back when he supposedly deliberated for a long weekend about whether to allow federal funds for stem cell research. Stupid Bush, he conveniently left off "my" in front of "life".
DK, I have no soft spot for Nancy. I used to work in West Hollywood; one day, for lunch, I walked over to get a manicure and was turned away by the Secret Service. It seems Nancy was there getting HER nails done, and I was not vetted. It upset my own beautiful mind. I am a Diva, you know.
Diva I did a big long Nancy bitch-fest comment here which was eaten when Blogger did its 3PM maintenance thing today. (SIGH) ... it ended with my surprise the SS didn't throw you down on the sidewalk & have her royal entitled self walk over your back while she waved her freshly done nails on her way back the SS vehicles. Oh yeah, there was also something in there about Nancy wanting the Carters out of the WH early so she could decorate. I was hoping Blogger had saved it & it would appear later, but I see that is not their style. (SIGH AGAIN) ...
DK, don't you hate when they do that. Eaten posts, and the like. Sort of like when I changed my template last night and all my links were gone, and I could not retrieve them. Had to rebuild.
As for the SS - oh, that sounds like the SS in Nazi Germany, scary - they would never harm a Diva. They were actually quite nice about it.
Glad ot hear our tax money is being used so well-- SS guards to make sure Nanc gets her nails done without harm.
Fran, it is money well spent because Nancy's nails look fabulous.
Anybody know where I can find the actual GMA where B. Bush said this? I would appreciate it.
Here you go Reno! Barbara Bush's beautiful mind quote
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