But, oh, the HORROR: The first Black Presidential Nominee in the US of A and his wife do a playful fist bump, and people get their knickers in a twist over it. I don't know what the issue is. My 3-year old granddaughter Beanie has been fist-bumping ever since her daddy cut down a golf club to her size.

It's like, "Oh, my God! The culture is changing! AHHHHGGGGG! Scaaaarrrryyy!"
In any case, that's a gesture from the world of sports, as you imply. And it's not like sports metaphors are anything new in political life in the U.S.
It seems that, finding little to criticize in Obama's substance or skills, people are focusing their criticism on things like i) something he wore a few years ago, ii) a slight gesture he made with his wife or did not make during the anthem, iii) something people who know him have said or sung at some point in their lives, iv) (and last but not least) the color of his skin.
Terrette, I would think that item iv) is the real issue. I mean god forbid there's a Black man in charge - what's the world coming to? The fact that our nation still has to have this discussion is appalling to me.
He also made a grab for her ass as she was walking away. Can you imagine THE HORROR if he had connected?!? Trust those crazy fox folks to make this cute nothing into a scary something.
DK, an ASS GRAB? OH NO, THE HORROR. I mean, I didn't think anything about it until the media went whacko. Beanie does it all the time! It's a high-five, only hipper.
I don't know why the press got all hot and bothered, but from years and years of working with mouthing breathing racists, I can say with authority I think, that said
""There they go doing that N***** stuff right on my TV! I'll NEVER vote for him""
America can be very open minded - until they're in the privacy of their own thoughts - in a voting booth...(:
Gaah! Cheney actually IS a terrorist and they still allow him to walk free.
This whole thing was unconscionable. I had heard about the "fist bump" and when I actually saw the video of it I couldn't believe what a subtle, playful gesture it was. I can't believe anyone would have the gall to call it a terrorist fist pump! Heck, everyone on my bowling team did that after a good frame. I am still amazed that these people making comments like this and the "baby mama" comment are "news" anchors. Who ARE they? What rock did they crawl out from under? I am so disgusted with the media I don't think I'll watch TV for the rest of the election season. Not that I watched Fox anyway...
Blueberry, Cheney is worse than a terrorist. He is simply driven by greed.
Mauigirl, yep, nothing like the low level of reportage on Fox Noise. It's strange, because they have some cutting edge television - and on House, there was a scene where one of the doctors was in the bathroom and there was an Obama sticker posted on the wall.
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