Christmas was fun because I got to play with my cousins and stuff. And now I talk on the phone with Gramma a lot. I say "doggidoggidoggidoggi" and then Gramma answers me, and then I say "Doggiedoggeeeedoggeedoggeeee" and she answers me. We have fun talking on the phone. Sometimes I say "nerdernerdernerder" or "bububububub" and then I put in some real words but not too many because I don't like to. I love my Elmo and my Nemo. I love my mommy and daddy and gramma and other gramma and grampa too. I have to play now.
Have you and your daughter ever thought about getting one of those little video cameras that connect to the computer and let's you do live "chatting" with sound and images. It's really very good for staying connected. I used one when I worked very long distance from Washington to my job i in Santa Cruz. We both had iSight cameras, and the images were fantastic. It would be a great way for you and your grand-daughter to see each other when you talk.
Beanie gets all the cutest clothes and now she is matching her sippy cup to her outfits. I'll say this child has a passion for fashion!!! Quite the fashion plate indeed, and her words are so cute, doggiedoggdoggee. Does she like Snoop Doggie Dog?
Oh Beanie... you are wearing my absolute favorite shade of green. You go girl! In fact, all of my recent buys for Baby to Be have been in that shade of green and a soft yellow.
To answer your question that you left at my place... I'm not off of bed rest. In fact, some new complications have arisen, but we're trying to take it all in stride and listen to the doctor completely. I just keep hoping and praying that we can hold on until at least 32 weeks gestational age b/c that will make the chances of the baby having serious lung problems far less if I can remain pregnant that long. I'm 28 weeks along now. I don't give a damn how terrible I feel (which is often)... I just want this baby to be healthy and strong enough to survive. Hubby and I have been so busy praying that Hubby said recently: "If prayer could make this baby healthy and strong, he/she should born with a cape and giant "S" on their chest." If this baby is going to be born early, I just hope that he/she is a fierce fighter like BabyGirl was. She was born 6 weeks early but fought the nurses like a cougar cub. That is what they nicknamed her (Cougar Cub) as her tiny little hands swatted their hands away from her and ripped out her feeding tube. But we still remain very hopeful... sometimes hope is all we mere mortals have.
nerdernerdernerder works for me. Yes, the web cam is a great thing. My eldest son gave me one for Christmas and he has one too, so now we have face to face - well - their face on the computer and my face on theirs and sound as well. Fun. Bet the wee one would be a true show girl on that.
Your granddaughter is so precious. I've been catching up on your site. The world is so darned bleak sometimes, but the little ones sure help to stay in the now.
Friends, yesterday my daughter called because Ellie was singing along to her Sesame Street CD - it was hilarious because she sings in jargon and the poor child has inherited my voice - I can't carry a tune if it had handles.
Tina, I keep you and babytobe in my prayers. B2B has your fight in there so keep on keeping on.
She sounds like a lot of fun, and what a cutie! Pursey Tuttweiler is right. That child has fashion style!
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