My friend Paul, in Chicago, sent me these photos of Bears mania which he took last night in sub-zero temperatures (and minus 25 degrees wind chill) at a
sacrifice of one nose, a pinkie, two toes and one-and-a-half cojones. He is a trooper. Sorry, but he did not get shots of: bridge-tenders' windows lighted
in alternating blue and orange along the Chicago River, the giant
dinosaur wearing a humongous Urlacher jersey, the Picasso in a Bears
hat and Bears colors ringing the Merchandise Mart.
It must be my 1954 Russian made pc with the Trap Doors 66 operating system that doesn't allow me to see anyhing but the black squares instead of pictures. :-(
Go Bears so I can have beers!
Last year, when my dad's beloved Steelers were playing, he came to my house for a Superbowl feast (he loves my mom's cooking, but he swears my chili is better and he loves my stuffed potato skins and BBQ ribs). This year, he is not as happy, nor will he be coming for dinner, but he did call me to say that my mom and he have ordered some yummy Chinese, the beers are chilling, and he will scream for The Bears. Good luck!
Bwahahahaha!!!! Thank you Peyton Manning!!!!! I wonder what those bears fans tore up this time. I feel sorry for Florida what with the weather first and now some loser fans. Poor Floida! Hope the state can survie it.
And...the Colts win! Not that I'm much of a fan. Rugby is more my sport (at least where oblate spheroids are concerned). :-)
And...almost forgot...you should read my observations on the Gridiron. It's almost a tribute...at least to the "cold weather" part of our "other" national pasttime.
I picked the score correctly, I just picked the wrong team to score it. Another year. another bear fan disappointment.
I was offended that the colts owner said that god helped them win. You'd think that if they had so much faith in god that they thought he was watching over them for a football game win, they might have asked him to end the war.
God is a Bears Fan
never forget that.
Unfortunately, Da Bears don't have a farking defense any more.
Thank you, Michael McCaskey, you overfed, smarmy little rich-boy bastard.(Yes, I know, but it's STILL his fault)
Pekka, it was a bunch of photos of Chicago buildings sporting Bears support.
Tina, your dad is cool!
Donnie, that's just flat out mean and personal. Sewmouse, Spadoman, and my own self are not losers. We lost. Big fucking deal.
Kvatch, I became a Rugby fan on a trip to New Zealand, and saw a local game with a friend from the South Island (who also used to play.) When this big Maori bloke lost his shorts on the field, I became a really big Rugby fan. Big fella. And I responded to your tribute.
Spado, sometimes we do reverse the score. My chili was brilliant, though.
Sewmouse, maybe we can learn to say about da Bears "Wait til next year".
being from new york- i can honestly say i didn't really care in the grander scheme of things. i was rooting for the colts though- and it was a bit of a shock to have mr. hester run down the field on the first kickoff! nicely done. however- i think that they used up all of their energy on that one play- and sucked out the rest of the night. better luck next time :)
I have a friend, a long-time Chicagoan, who refers to the team she loves as 'the bumblin', stumblin' bears.' It doesn't seem to interfere with her loyalty, though.
At least they got to the Super Bowl. No small accomplishment there.
(As you can see, I don't think like a true sports fan.)
Betmo, that opening score by Devon Hester was a thing of beauty, I swear.
Lulu Maude, your friend has that right. And it wasn't so much a matter of the Colts winning - it was more that the Bears, other than Hester, never showed up. Where was Urlacher? Where was Owen Kurtz? Obviously, with three interceptions and 2 sacks, it was Bad Rex who played - but my god, other than Hester and Robbie Gould, the team was just blah.
But all was not lost. My Chili de Jood was fantastic. Best I've ever made. Recipie available for a small fee. Just kidding.
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