I'm not a baby, I'm a toddler. I'm almost two. My gramma Ah-m still calls me baby but I am a big girl now. She doesn't have new pictures because my mommy forgets to email them. She will take lots of pictures when she comes to visit me. We talked on the phone this week. We sang the Ah-m song, I helped. And I told her gsehomreare doggie doggie doggie ah-m, which means "I love you Gramma, and I can't wait to see you." Then when I was done, I said "Go Away" which means I was done talking on the phone, and I climbed off the couch and went away.
Happy Friday to your Beanie and you, divajood.
What a great salutation, "go away" beats the hell out of just hanging up!
Love it! Those wee ones with their sudden changes of plans. Go away and she's off and running. My mother used to say that children that age have their brains in their feet as it's the feet that decide when and where to go.
Fabulous, fabulous! She is the sweetest little thing! I do love it when you post pictures of her, my dear. We get to watch her flower!
she is growing up! So precious....
She probably showed those balls a thing or two...like who's boss!
What a joy little kids are. They are one of the perks of working in a library--story time days are the best!
I do not wish to be nosy or push you to do something you are not ready, willing and most of all able to do. However, your "dissappearnce" is worrysome.
Is that damn fybro knocking the stuffing out of you or are you perhaps down on dumps because it? Either case, I can appreciate what you might be going through but word or two from you would be nice!
Thinking of you
Your friend, Pekka
OMIGAWD, she looks like a mini-YOU! Jeez. that is darling.
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