At any rate, I really wanted to adopt the absolutely dishy Alan Rickman:

However, dguzman beat me to it. I mean, I am a year late, fer god's sake.
So instead, I have adopted the extremely talented Chris Cooper:

As long as he doesn't smoke in my house, we're fine.
Fun idea. I shall partake.
Agi, what, no sympathy that I missed out on Alan Rickman?
Hey, you've got my sympathy at least, for missing out on Mr. Rickman, though Chris Cooper is himself a fine adoptee.
Congratulations! You and Mr. Cooper have been added to the roster.
How about Richard Geere? I wouldn't mind keeping company with him. I know Trice would suffer through it! maybe some of those actors can adopt us though!
Splotchy, thank you for your sympathy. And yes, Chris Cooper is a wonderful adoptee.
Jim, if this adoption works out, I might adopt another actor. Richard Gere, who knows.
I'll participate. I'm adopting Ian McShane. He's all mine. Bwa-ha-ha!
Stella, go tell Splotchy, and be good to Ian.
The link's already up, diva. (I didn't want him going to someone who wouldn't treat him right.) What a great idea from splotchy. Woman cannot live by politics alone...
Stella, you rock! Ian McShane.
My 30+ year crush. He was a wonderful Judas in Jesus of Nazareth.
Excellent taste, divajood.
Stella, then you understand my dismay at not being able to adopt Alan Rickman, my 20 year crush.
Ya know, that Angelina Jolie has been adopting kids left and right, I wonder if Brad would mind if I adopted her for awhile. I mean, if she's naughty, I might ... I think I'll stop there.
Robert, have at it. I am sure Angelina needs another really good home.
Outstanding choice. I first noticed him in "October Sky" and the realized I'd seen him in a bunch of other movies-- notably one of my favorites, Lone Star. He'd also played a spectacularly unsympathetic role very well in American Beauty, which is to me the sign of a great actor (see "Bogart in 'High Sierra'").
You've being added to my blogroll as well. We may have crossed paths, but I'm amazed sometimes at people who ran in the same circles as I did never crossed paths with me; case in point, Bubs. He and I hung in the same clubs with the same people seeing the same bands, but somehow never ran into one another until we ended up reading one another's blogs a couple of years ago. We've of course made up for lost time and become good friends.
Johnny, Breach was on last night - Cooper was brilliant as Robert Hanssen. And I think Lone Star was the first time I was really aware of him. Great actor, for sure.
I will check Bubs out, thanks for the link to his blog. Cheers.
Oh man, Divajood--Cooper's a real catch! He was brilliant in Breach. Nice choice! And sorry about Alan Rickman, but I luvs him.
dguzman, I'm well adjusted to having adopted Chris Cooper. He's well behaved and a brilliant actor. And besides, DK Raed and I worked it out so that I can have an exclusive, mad passionate affair with Alan Rickman, which I cannot do if I adopted him. I've had the hots for him since 1988 and Die Hard came out.
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