My Baba and my mommy are back from their Alaska cruise, and when I saw my mommy I screamed and jumped up and down and into her arms and laughed and did it again about ten times and we played a lot. They had a good time on their cruise and Baba took lots of pictures and she will put them on her computer when she stops being a lazy tired person.
I'm going to day care now. Bye-bye.
Welcome home, divajood. How nice that you traveled with your daughter. Really good of Ellie bean to hang in there while her mommy and baba were gone.
Save some of those pics for Good Planets!
Hope you had a great cruise! Somehow, miraculously, the Cubs are still in the race, but they played some pretty sorry ball while you were gone. About the only thing that keeps me watching is Felix Pie--he's not only exciting but he plays with a joy and enthusiasm that's wondrous to behold. It looks like he's going to be the real deal.
Send me an e-mail when you're through being lazy and tired.
You'd have a hard time convincing me that you are a lazy person. Nope, I don't believe it. Love the image you painted of the returning mommie.
Lovely, and as vital as oxygen to all of us.
Welcome back. I hope you were able to drill for some oil while you were in Alaska.
Robin, I took more photos than you can imagine - lots of eagles, lots of whale spouts - lots of icebergs.
Moe, you've been emailed - and I will never be through being lazy...
Peacechick, I was talking to my daughter yesterday - Beanie was in the background shouting away with glee.
Mirth, thank you! She's a peach.
Cheney08 - I did not drill for oil. I did look for a single older man with a fat wallet and a bad cough who'd never heard of a pre-nuptual agreement, however. Does that count?
hey- welcome back! did ya give bp hell while you were there? :)
Hey Betmo - thanks. It was interesting sitting at dinner one night with two couples from Texas who sang the praises of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson, and then just sort of ripped to shreds the Shrub. Nothing like a really big Texas drawl saying "That George W. Bush is an aaaaasssssssshole".
It must have thrilled your daughter to pieces to get that warm reception from her Bean. I would take a trip to heck to return and have that cutie pie welcome me back like that.
Welcome back Diva. I cannot wait to see those pictures! Be as lazy as you need to be to get over your big time on the ship and all of your excursions. I firmly believe that people need a vacation from their vacations, which does not speak highly of the American culture, but that is another topic altogether.
wonderful! and you are truly an open person, given how well you channel ellie. see any polar bears?
Welcome DivaJood, glad your trip was so enjoyable, nature is real soul food. Must admit the first thing that popped into my mind when i read you were in Alaska was did she see melting Glaciers and "swimming " Polar bears. Eagles are so amazing, well any large birds really (in my mind) I too am looking forward to your pictures. Glad you ae home safe and had a great trip.
Welcome back DivaJood! Now I just know The lil Beanie one is leaving out the part of how much she jumped on you for a reason! Ellie Bean, is it because you wanna still look like a big girl? You can tell us, we won't tell.
I see she still has her Elmo huggie. I know you had a wonderful time. I went on a cruise there in 2001 3 weeks prior to 9/11. We had to fly into Vancouver from LAX and back so the airport hoopla hadn't started yet. It was wonderful and Mr. Sumo wants to do it again. When we went into the port of Juneau he was standing on the top deck when the first sighted eagle swooped down on him and he clicked a great pic of it. He was so thrilled...and Mr. Sumo doesn't get excited. Can't wait for the pics and I have another chocolate cake recipe for you from Friday.
Welcome back. I looked forward to reading your blog...
Woo Hoo!! Happy to hear you and your daughter had a safe and wonderful trip. And it was awfully good of Beanie to let her mommy go like that. I don't know if BabyGirl would have behaved at all for Hubby if I had gone on a vacation. And is it just me, or does Beanie look older and bigger? Sob... sniff... I know they have to grow up, but watching them grow soooo quickly before your very eyes is murder.
Glad to hear all went well! ; )
BTW, Glass & Cohen although "not" involved in the PT, could be if they had the time. I believe they'd fit in nicely!
Pursey, Beanie was so happy to see her mommy - and I can't wait to see her in July!
Weezie, no, I didn't see any bears at all this trip - too far south for Polar Bears, but I didn't see any black or brownies either.
PP, I did see glaciers in retreat - and also two that are advancing - there are two in Alaska that are still advancing - only two.
Donnie, Beanie didn't jump on me, she jumped on my daughter - I won't see Bean until July. And she does look like a big girl.
Sumo, cruises are my favorite way to travel. I just love being on open seas. Best part of the trip.
Traveling Man, thanks!
Tina, she is growing up fast, and it's killing me to be so far away from her. I might have to move back to Chicago after all.
Coffee, thanks!
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