Guess what I know all my letters, I can say the alphabet in order and I can look at letters out of order and I can say what they are. Like in my bath, I have sponge letters all of them except X because Doggie ate that letter but not the other ones. So in my bath my mommy shows me a letter and I tell her what it is, so she can know too. My favorite letter is W which I like to say "duddle-doo" isn't that fun? I like all my letters. I ate all my grilled cheese and an apple and drank all my milk at dinner last night. Baba is going to look at her Alaska photos this weekend and so then she'll put pictures on her blog. I have to go play now. Have fun.
i love your blogging! maybe your baba will get you a computer soon so you can see all this!
Why Ellie Bean, you are gonna be as smart as your Baba one day at that rate!
A child that will read at a young age....
The Axis of Ignorance doesn't stand a CHANCE!
Here's to the future generation! ; )
^5 for you, Ellie!
I love this oasis of sweetness. I look forward to it each Friday.
You know what the color of baby's hair reminds me of? Butterscotch! Yes, it's so rich with color and she's as sweet and smart as any wee one can be.
Weezielou, Beanie loves my laptop computer when I visit her. She is my helper. I go visit, brining my office with me, and she loves to help.
Donnie, it's bad enough she looks like me. I think she'll be as smart as her mommy, or her uncle, though, both of whom are smarter than I am.
Travelng Man, she's fearless, and as long as she's fearless, she won't become ignorant.
Coffee, she loves to read her books, too.
Mirth, thank you. Bean is the reason I am an activist. I want to leave her a better world than we currently have.
Peacechick - oh, butterscotch. Gramma LOVES butterscotch.
Good to start them out young in blogging.
"duddle - doo" now thats a keeper for sure..the kid is obviously precocius, intuitive as well. Look out world. And DivaJood i too enjoy this Friday tradition.
Larry, it's sort of like breathing, eh? I had only two requests when my kids were growing up: they had to be Liberal and they had to be Cubs Fans. SUCCESS. So that's all I expect of my Ellie Bean, too.
PP, I loved duddle-doo as well. She's pretty much as much fun as a kid can be.
It's so sweet watching her grow up like this. Ellie Bean is a Friday tradition!
Such a cute grandchild, I'll bet you are proud
You are simply amazing! I have to go play now. Have fun.
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