Dan Froomkin hit the nail on the head when he labeled President Bush Al Qaeda's best publicist. Apparently, Bush named Al Qaeda 118 times in a 29 minute speech yesterday at a South Carolina Air Force Base. This speech has got to be Bin Laden's wet dream come true - make no mistake, Al Qaeda is a terrorist organization that wants people to be terrorized, particularly US Citizens - and it wants people to think it is more powerful than it really is - and what better use of PR than a President who constantly speaks their name, and tells his own citizens how powerful they are? I mean, you can't BUY this kind of publicity.
Which begs the question: Does Bush want the citizens of the United States to be terrified? Is he a member of Al Qaeda? Doe Al Qaeda work for Bush, and Cheney? I'm just asking, is all.
Bush wants to instill fear with that name, before his self-created "emergency" which will allow martial law to take place.
DivaJood enjoy your visit with Ellie Bean and just forget about all of this until you get back. Have fun and be safe.
dear DivaJ, good questions. The Power of Nightmares came out in jan 2005 but is still the definitive work on the whole AQ/fear/war-mongering thing. peace, peter
I think Bush just learned to pronounce Al Qaeda and he's so proud. His momma gave him a quarter for being such a good speacher.
Hugs to Ellie Bean, the little bitty queen.
Naw, Bush just thought he was giving a speech about the dangers of cicadas in summer.
It's hard to improve on these conjectures, so I'll just say hi.
bin Laden's power comes from the government achieving his goals for him which is pretty nifty for him, considering he is very likely deceased. MSNBC has started referring to the insurgency as a civil war, Hillary has started calling the insurgency al Qaeda.
I can't listen to Bush. Every time he opens his mouth I want to scream and throw things. I'm pretty sure most people see through his bullsh*t now. Although, I have to admit I've often miscalculated how f*cking stupid my fellow citizens really are. Where would Bush be without Al Qaeda?
Now now Diva... blasphemous talk like that will get ya nowhere fast... except for maybe a one way ticket to the glorious city of Ave Maria.
Hey... I'm dusting off my holy rollers and considering a trip there.
Enjoy your fabulous time with the lovely Bean.
Short answer - yes.
Longer answer, Members of both parties have conspired to spy illegally on ALL of us - see the The Next Hurrah for all the possible and highly likely reasons as to why Pelosi will not put impeachment on the table. Hint: The DOJ scandel is WAY more then it appears, and it downright heinous on the surface,but it goes much deeper. For in depth analysis by lawyers who have followed the Intelligence committee for yrs now - see The Next Hurrah.
It all begs the question - who do our representatives work for ? Apparently upholding our Constitution,is no longer part of their job.
DivaJood , i wondered where you dissapeared to, enjoy yourself !
Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. - Hermann Goering
It's pretty clear that without the help of his "2004 Campaign Manager," Chimpy would have taken a drubbing.
Osama bailed him out at the last possible minute. Infer from that what you will-to me, it's clear as day.
Actually, Al Qaeda spends as much time or more killing other Muslims who, in the opinion of its leaders, aren't sufficiently Orthodox as it does plotting terror attacks against the West. They've already pissed off a lot of Sunnis in Iraq with their ultra-conservative religious philosophy, and the only reason they wound up in Afghanistan is because they were kicked out of several other Muslim countries who got sick of them blowing up their citizens.
I'm not saying Al Qaeda isn't a significant threat to the U.S. or the West in general, but we're not it's sole focus by any means. They don't merely "hate our freedom" as Dubya constantly asserts, they pretty much hate everyone who isn't exactly like them. It's too bad we never hear any U.S. politicians acknowledge that.
If we weren't in Iraq, al Qaeda would cease to exist within weeks. There's no way in hell Moqtada would tolerate their presence, and the Sunnis in Iraq are not Wahhabis or Muslim Brotherhood members. There is no tradition of such groups being tolerated in Iraq.
If we stay there long enough, of course, we'll radicalize a whole generation. The sooner we leave, the sooner the IRaqis will do the job on them.
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