We hold a final runoff and select the Greatest Thinker of All Time (for the moment) and the Biggest Fat Ass Schmoozer.Now tell me you aren't lusting for one of those fabulous titles? All you have to do is write a post using two keywords (see below) linked to ending the war in Iraq. Our distinctive panel of judges will select the winners and post the results by the end of the month.
So, here is what I have to say about it. I lust after Russell Crowe. But he's a New Zealander who lives in Australia, and therefore isn't responsible for the war in Iraq, and can't possibly end it. This despite the fact that he won an Oscar for playing a gladiator.
And my cousin has a friend who once protested the enslavement of honeybees. I wondered if she made little picket signs to tape to the bees' legs, or wings, which made my cousin hit me. My friend's cousin protests the enslavement of bees, but not the war in Iraq, so she's useless.
As for me, I have gone to Jenny Craig, like Kirstie and Valerie, so I am loosing my fat ass, which might make me ineligible for Biggest Fat Ass Schmoozer. I am completely in favor of ending the war in Iraq, and impeaching Bush, and Cheney. I've been awarded the Schmoozer AND Thinking Blogger awards which makes me a Schminker, and I have very nice hair. Whew. Now my brain hurts, because I am blond, after all.

Update: Betmo has re-schmoozed me. So I will tag five others, just because.
There are four professional schmoozers over at Live at the Gay Agenda. Pursey Tuttweiler, Lola Heatherton, Bobby Bittman, and Woody Tobias, Jr. Have at it, kids.
Mary at Get Your Own is terrific!. She gets to be a Schmoozer, too.
SB Gypsy at Gypsy's Caravan is a consistently great writer.
Alicia at Last Left Before Hooterville got me started blogging, and she's fantastic. She might not play, because she's insanely busy, but we shall see.
And if you aren't reading Proud Progressive at Some Notes on Living, you should be.
A schminker! I like that very much. I think you should start a schminker club. Schmoozing thinkers unite!
Sounds like a winner to me.
Jsut think, if you did start a Schminker Club, you could get a gavel. I'd tie a pink ribbon around mine.
Enslavement of bees? What???
You're in the running for sure, especially since you are related to someone who released the bees from those horrid black market bee racketeers.
Can we really stand a new meme?
The answer is yes, if there's enough Blogger's out there willing to play!
Ah Diva, I am nothing if not a schmoozer. Finally an award I feel worthy of. Thank you kindly.
I am a schmoozer for sure, and love the KINDNESS out here. I love all of your blogs. And i thank you ALL as a new blogger y'all have bolstered my spirits and made me and my team feel embraced and welcomed into a sweet corner of cyberspace. The memes however ..well i like em. But i just cannot keep up !!! i am still learning the blogger module. Sooo know even if i don't play I DO schmooze and think- and appreciate the attention. Is the amount of memes lately normal ? Seems like there has been a spate of them. This newbie though cannot keep up !
oh my shchmooozer and shrnirnker I can not keep track of all of these....But I do know I love coming here...lurking or commenting , or just checking in....and you can go and lose your ass, but please don't lose yourself...
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