So but I really like to play in my bath. After bath time my mommy reads me stories. But if I have a tantrum she doesn't read me stories. So but I REALLY like to play in my bath, and the other night I didn't want to get out so I cried and screamed and made a big mess. So mommy said "No stories, Beanie" and put me to bed. So but I really really got mad, and threw my binky on the floor. So my mommy came in and gave me back my binky and said "Good night now, Beanie, I love you, but when you have a tantrum, we can't read stories" so then I got really really upset and started to cry really hard, like when you can't catch your breath and just make that "huh huh huh" sound and then I cried "stories, stories, stories" so mommy picked me up and cuddled me and said if I was really good the next day, I would have all my stories. Then she said "That's enough, Beanie, I love you, but you have to go to sleep now. Say goodnight." So I got all huffy, and made a mad face at her and said "GOOD NIGHT MOMMY" and put my binky in my mouth and went to sleep. She was tough, I couldn't make her change her mind at all.
My gramma is coming to see me on Saturday. She will take lots of new pictures of me.
I have to play now, bye bye.
Mommy is a wise woman - tough love at any age is the best way. Too bad old lady Bush didn't use some tough love.
Have a fun Saturday with the little sweet potato!
I bet grandma will read all the stories you can handle.
That must have taken a lot of resolve to not read that cutie-pie a story. Your daughter is a good momma, she must have had a very good teacher.
Have a grand time with Ellie Bean.
That's the most gentle tuff love I've ever read...and absolutely perfect.
Ellie Bean, you have a really good mother.
Cute story...and glad your daughter stuck to her guns...she will have taught Beanie a great lesson. The kid is a star!
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