The incomperable, passionate
Tina of Fuzzy and Blue has nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award. I'm really touched, because she always makes me think.
The rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to
this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Now, the hard part. There are so many blogs that make me think, so I really hate to winnow it down. But I will try.
Robin and Roger of New Dharma Bums are incredible. Weaving images of nature, with their day to day observations, they make me think about the world we live in.
Alan at The Jewish Atheist is a secular humanist and he's quite articulate. I was supposed to interview him but got sidetracked by my friend Meri's death, and still owe him questions. I promise!
Betmo always makes me think. Her passion, her intelligence is powerful. I don't always agree with her, but I absolutely respect her.
Thorne is another courageous blogger. She's got a lot going on, and I really enjoy her blog.
Liberally Mirth has become my favorite blog. Mirth and D-Day have won this recently, but I don't care. I don't always agree with them, but I respect their integrity and their intelligence. This is the way it should be - disagreement and real debate should open minds and they have had that effect on me.That was tough, because there are a lot of blogs to choose from. But there we are.
Thanks so much, DivaJood. It is an honor to be in such good company.
you are too kind :)
Robin, you are one of my favorites. Your gentle, decent approach to everything despite the mess our nation is in proves that we can be peaceful.
Betmo, you are also one of my favorites. I love your passion, and I love that we don't always agree. It makes me re-evaluate my own points of view, and expands me. And after all, it is all about me! :)
Wow. Thank you, Diva!!! *chuckle* I never expected to get one of these, with my random insanity, so double thank you! It' will have to wait until the Expo is over, though. I'm busier than a long tailed cat in a room full o rockin' chairs right now!Counting down....one day at a time!
Thanks so much. There is SO much good writing out there -- I am truly honored.
PS. Interview leads:
Politics - libertarian
jazz pianist
view of consciousness: biological naturalism
Well, you are a thinking blogger after all.
I must be in a blog daze today because I was sure that earlier I thanked you for this honor and your wonderful accompanying words, but I see now that I didn't.
Please accept my thank you and assurance that my feelings are equal for what you offer here and the gifts you give elsewhere.
You are a jewel.
Congratulations to you DivaJood!
Congrats Divajood and good choices you have made.
I take it the right wing blogs won't be receiving this award anytime soon...
Thorne, take your time.
Alan, there is a lot of great writing out there - and thanks for the suggestions. Will do it, I swear.
Let's Talk, thank you!
Larry, thank you - there are so many blogs I love, it is hard to limit.
Agi, I don't think they will. Perhaps they have their own awards: The Red Herring Award, for example, which indicates that that steaming pile of poop really doesn't stink.
Donnie, I missed you - thank you!
Wanted to touch base with you. It's been a very difficult week...perhaps you heard about the death of my spiritual mentor, Rabbi Sherwin Wine. A car accident. I'm still in shock. Please see my site for my tribute to him (two, actually).
I'm going to pick my favorite Thinking Bloggers, and that will not be easy. A lot of people are extremely ingenious in bringing together visual pieces and videos, while others are really good with the words. Maybe there should be two categories!
How do I display the award?
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