First of all, I want to know why anybody needs to make up a terrorist figure? And then, I want to know who did the fabrication? Omar al-Baghdadi was the purported leader of an al-Qaida-affiliated group in Iraq, except he didn't exist. His statements were read by an Iraqi actor named Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, according to US Military. Al-Mashandani was captured by US forces on July 4, and has been propoganda chief for the Islamic State of Iraq, which is a Sunni insurgent group that claims allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida. Now, it should be noted that this group did not exist prior to the US invasion of Iraq. This group grew specifically out of our presence there. WE created al-Qaida in Iraq. We did it.
So this begs the question - does Osama bin Laden exist? I mean anymore. His death has been reported, and reported, and reported, never confirmed, but I wonder.

The latest tape of Bin Laden is 5 years old! Amazed that the msm hasn't figured this out yet. I think we are being scammed over and over and over.
I am absolutely incensed that we created the power vacuum in Iraq that permitted some offshoot of Al Qaeda to emerge, and that the administration wails that Al Qaeda is in Iraq. Bush is like the kid who murders his parents then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan. He created this mess, and he should be impeached, indicted, and imprisoned.
There apparently are more top Al Qaeda than there are U.S troops in Iraq.
Must be hard to round up all those "top" leaders.
Bin Laden is relaxing on a run down ranch in Crawford Texas.
I can't think of another way to say FUCK THE ADMINISTRATION, so I'll just say this:
The Neo Plan has accomplisded exactly what they intended, which was to create terrorists to scare us into submission and Middleast chaos to cover murder and theft.
Here's the thing: Bushco lies when telling the truth would be more advantageous.
I'm so confused now, I wonder, Did Osama have anything to do with Bush ignorance when it comes to capturing AL-Qaeda leaders?
So this begs the question - does Osama bin Laden exist?
With a leader that is incapable of finding and catching a crippled turtle running down main street....does it really matter?
And a big YES! to what Peacechick Mary said.
A big yes to what Future said and Peacechick....
and Osama is out there- he has to be or Bush loses all credibility...oh wait- he already lost that....
so it is a good question.
I like how every friggin July he gets whipped out in some tape....and then Bush goes for some medical procedure and then he goes on Vacation....
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