I love my swimming class, because I love the water. Mommy goes with me. When Mama visited last week, she went with me too and stayed on the pool deck taking pictures of me, and of Mommy. Mommy lifts me up out of the water and then puts me back in and I laugh and then I do reach and pull, reach and pull, and then I do kicks and then we sing songs and we have fun. When I am going to swim class, I sing "pool, pool, pool" all the way there. And I cry when I have to leave.

And when Mama took this picture, Mommy and I were saying "CHEESE" because I think that's funny. Bye bye, I have to go to school now and play.
I have a confession to make... even though I absolutely love being near water and listening to water... and despite my parents taking me twice to 2 complete rounds of swimming lessons, I do not know how to swim.
I can float. I like to wade in water that is relatively low (i.e. my feet can touch the bottom without covering my head) but I cannot swim.
I nearly drown at age 4 in Lake Erie (long story, but I fell off a pier trying to retrive my dropped Barbie-doll, my dad on fishing boat saw it and dove in to get me, could only see my long swirling hair sinking deeper into the water, so he yanked me up by my hair and saved me.) A week afterwards, I developed pneumonia.
I know for my kiddos' safety I should learn to swim... but the absolute ironfisted panic that grips me when I begin to enter water that is over my head is beyond description.
So.... go Ellie Bean! You swim girl!!
I used to teach swimming and this age group was my absolute favorite. By the end of the summer little ones would jump off the diving board and float like little leaves down to the water. Ellie Bean, you are going to be a star swimmer! I think I'll call you Esther Williams today.
Such sweet pictures...
She's adorable. You must be proud.
Tina and Barbie? I learn something new every day.
Must be nice to have an entire blog devoted to you once a week, courtesy of grandma!
what a sweet little story. every year, as a kid, i spent all my time at the pool - some really great memories.
My Mama told me that she wants me to be happy, and a Progressive Democrat, and Fearless, and a Chicago Cub Fan.
When I look at the pic of Ellie Bean and her mom, I can't believe how much they look alike. It must have been a delightful week with the two of them.
Ahhh, she gets cuter and cuter.
I cry when I have to leave.
Don't feel bad, honey. So do I!:)
I need your help if you have an extra minute or two.....
Your daughter is adorable, too.
Like tina I don't know how to swim either. I tried in Lake Michigan and almost drown too.
I'm not really scared of the water, but just to tense to relax. If I stop moving my arms or legs I go down.
And since I can't tread water which is the main reason I can't swim I don't go to the beach very often.
If I try to float I go straight to the bottom like a rock, still at a young age you can learn to become a real good swimmer and one day maybe save someones life.
Keep learning and continue to make mom and grandmom proud of you.
God Bless.
I went back to this post after my comment on your latest.
It's sad that you and I can't have a cup of coffee (or your non-alcoholic beverage of choice) together and chat about our grand-kids (or in my case the greats).
Instead we wonder what kind of world we're leaving them.
I suppose that's why I write two blogs instead of combining family and politics in one (although I do overlap). My other blog is corny and probably boring to most but I can forget the turmoil and shouting for a little while.
Late...but cute, cute, cute!
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