The Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information wants you to Walk the Green Line. Nov. 29th marks the 60th anniversary of the UN decision to partition Israel/Palestine into 2 states - one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians. This 3-day trek is a political action that provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn first-hand what the conflict is really about. The route is the Green Line, which demarcates the border between Israeli and Palestinian territories. The trek is being publicized in Israel, Palestine, and internationally and intends to draw attention to the urgent need to resolve the conflict on the basis of two states for two peoples.
IPCRI is a joint Israeli-Palestinian peace center and think-tank, located in Jerusalem. This fund-raising trek is intended to support bringing Israelis and Palestinians (and the world) together in people-to-people programs that advance peace. To participate, you must raise $2500 plus supply your airfare.
UN Resolution 181, on Nov. 29, 1947, resolved that this land be divided into two states: one Jewish (Israel) and one Arab (Palestine). Israel became a state in 1948, but Palestine has yet to be created.
The Green Line border set in the armistice agreements of 1949 marks the line that designates the basis of the future border between Israel and Palestine. Since the beginning of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem following the June 1967 war, the green line border has been gradually disappearing. Walk the GREEN LINE is a political statement aimed at marking the line where the future border should be so that Israeli-Palestinian peace can emerge and develop.It means a withdrawal by Israel to the June 4, 1967 borders and an end to armed conflict based on respect for International Law. It means cooperation between two sovereign nations that would be for mutual gain. It means peace.
The trek is 3-days, but you sleep in hotels along the route, and the day-to-day itinerary includes meetings with a variety of people:
The Route
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Gilboa: Mount Avinadav view over Jelaboun, walking along the view line to the area of Mt. Yitzpur over looking P'koa
Bus to Nazareth for the night
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Central area: Barta'a – walking along the green line, bus to Baqa al Gharbia – walking along the wall, bus to Tzofin and walk along the area of Modi'in Elite.
Bus to Nazareth for the night
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Jerusalem area: Walaja, Batir, Nahal Hamayanot, Wadi Fuqin – meeting with residents of the village. Ending of walk – Abu Dis.
Bus to Bethlehem for the evening
Evening program – political event marking 60 years since UN Resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine into two states.
This is, my friends, a unique opportunity. Support Peace in the Middle East, please.
Cross posted at The Katrinacrat
That's a walk I'd like to take, will take, someday.
I'd like to take that walk too. Maybe there will be a way to show support here by doing walks that acknowledge such an historical event.
Fred, it's an important walk, and that it is being done jointly by Israelis and Palestinians is crucial. And I believe that there are ways we can sponsor walkers without actually walking.
Robin, I feel badly, as I only just found out about this today and will not be able to do the walk, But Robin, I like your idea about doing something locally. I will sponsor a walker, though.
I searched their site and I don't see a place for donations. I can't do the walk. I don't know anyone who is doing the walk. But I would certainly like to give a donation to help a walker out b/c this issue is so important.
And color me shocked... I checked at Rabbi Waskow's site (shalomctr.org) and he doesn't have anything posted about this. Hmmm...
But the Rabbi does have a cool post asking people of all faiths to fast on October 8th for ending the war in Iraq, and "a broadly multireligious Call for a nationwide fast day on October 8 to help Americans move away from the policies and practices of violence, at home and overseas."
My kiddos certainly can't fast... and while it would make him incredibly grumpy, Hubby absolutely can fast... and so can I.
Tina, on the IPCRI site, there in the middle of their home page is a link to Walk the Green Line. Click on that. Then, scroll down. There is another link that says "SUPPORT A PARTICIPANT" - and a form to download and print out. There is one Canadian (of Iranian descent) listed as a walker, and I will support her.
I've never done anything like this but I know I should.
Larry, it is really quite amazing to do this kind of thing. I've done three long-distance (500 mile) bicycle rides to raise money for AIDS - two in the Mid-West, one in Alaska - and the training, and fundraising, and all aspects of it, are amazing spiritual journeys. And to do this for PEACE, amazing.
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