A little while ago, Peacechick Mary created the Mega Meme to End All Memes. So the winners were announced yesterday with appropriate fanfare and other cockamamie whatsitz, and yes, my bribe worked. I am a winner. One of six. Of course, there were only six entries, so what can I say?
Peacechick Mary wrote:
Since nearly everyone I visit has been tagged, here is what I propose: We hold a final runoff and select the Greatest Thinker of All Time (for the moment) and the Biggest Fat Ass Schmoozer. Now tell me you aren't lusting for one of those faabulous titles? All you have to do is write a post using two keywords (see below) linked to ending the war in Iraq. Our distinctive panel of judges will select the winners and post the results by the end of the month.
Keywords - Lust and Bee
Well. There we are.
We're winners together! Woohoo!
How are ya?
Lissen, you gals can take yer awards, along with $3.29, and buy a gallon 'a gas.
Good for you Divajood. Keep on racking up those awards.
You're worth every hankie and pankie I could find.
Oh too much...I can not think of a more worthy winner....you rock ...I would throw my hankies and pankies in the pile to vote for you....
I thought your title read "Hankies and PANTIES." I wasn't sure I should read this one, and when you mentioned you got six awards, I thought..."Is this really for me?" Cut me a little slack if you will, please. I got new eyeballs today, and I don't think they're used to reading yet. They better shape up fast, I know that!:)
Slippery Pearl of Peace and Pie Award is what I got for..."Bee Lust"...and I'm mighty proud of it. I asked Mary for mostly Pankie...with a side of Hankie.
Thank you all -- and congratulations to all the rest who won -- *blushing humbly* -- I can't thank everyone enough -- *batting eyelashes* -- but TFWY, I haven't heard of eyeball transplants, did it hurt?
Sumo, I think you need to bake a pearl of a peace and pie chocolate cake, is all I'm saying.
i think i won.....? i know i was nominated and, really, who deserves it more?! don't burst my bubble.
Congrats...lust and bee?
Weezie, I think you won too, there were six people who entered, and six winners.
Mariamariacuchita, yes. We had to combine the words Lust and Bee into a post against the war. I had a leg up, because my cousin has a friend who protested the enslavement of honeybees. I always wondered if she taped little protest signs to their wings.
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