Hi my gramma gotta new kitty his name is Mr Bean but she don' havany picksures yet cause she's lazy and besides there's Mr. John McCain's friend Joe The Not Plumber to talk bout. Mr. John McCain doesn't do too well vetting peeples too much. Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher is really not a plumber at all. So but he also seems to owe some back taxes too. An he doesn't have a
An Joe-the-not-plumber has the same last name as Robert M. Wurzelbacher Jr., the son-in-law of Charles Keating of the infamous "Keating Five" scandal but nobody's really proven that he's related to Robert M. Wurzelbacher Jr. but lotsa peeples think he is related but I don know for sure. If they is related then that's kinda stoopid of Mr. John McCain but he's a meanie man an I don much like him. An look what he does, he tries to grab anybody's behind.

Ha ha!! Adorable... So, Mr. Bean it is, eh?
Is that ass-grabber pic McCain's "Dukakis in the army tank" moment?
You tickle me!
Come see...........I've got a couple of "happies" for you over at my place!
Make it a wonderous weekend!
That grandbaby sure is smart.
I met her DG. Diva introduced us a little over a month ago when I was in Chicago. She's a real smarty that Miss Strawberry. And she knows when someone's trying to flush a bad load of crap down a broken toilet like John McCain did with this Joe-the-Plumber nonsense.
John McCain = Best Political Vetter
This is the best case against Joe the Plumber I've read yet. And though I'm always thrilled to see that glimpse of McTongue once more, you've got to admit it's quite the contrast from the criminal cuteness of the Secretary herself.
That's it. I'm writing in her name on the ballot on Nov. 4th.
Your granddaughter is a great writer.
Your granddaughter is smarter than that guy sticking out his tongue and acting all freaky.
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