Susan is amazing artist. Not only does she draw, and write, and paint apparel, now I find she also makes beaded necklaces. How do I know this? Because she gave me one of these undeserved virtual awards, the virtual 'Tornado of Change' necklace.
I suggest you all go over to her blog and buy her work, because it's gorgeous. I mean that, she's amazing. Thank you, Susan.
This is gorgeous. The daughter-in-law of a friend of mine also does beautiful beading and has designed a couple of necklaces for me. They are my favorite pieces--to bad I never get dressed up and wear them.
Dear Ms. Divajood; I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Haven't thought up an award, and when I do, you have it. Also, your secretarydiva gets lots of awards, many times over. And your new jewels suit you, "tornado of change," could there be any other way?
Thank you!
Not only does it suit your temperment but you wear it well too.
It's my pleasure to give presents both virtual and real every so often but there's nothing for sale at phanstythat.
Utah, it is amazing, she does gorgeous work.
Swallowtail, thank you! I appreciate your kind words.
Susan, you don't earn a living from your work? Wowzer, to quote Okjimm. It's gorgeous stuff, and you could!
Susan, you should sale them. And just so I know, aside from being our nominee and candidate for presinet, what did she do to deserve this? Are you trying to bribe her for my job as Big Chief Justice?
diva - I do bookkeeping and get ins auths for people to have surgery as a way of earning my keep. When I needed a steady income the 9-5 stuff paid steadily. I couldn't do a craft show to save my life and galleries take 50% commission.
utah - Bribe? I just like her and besides, I've already got the Secretary of State position in the bag. I'm much more qualified and diplomatic than our current office holder.
Cool! That is very nice!
This is gorgeous! I will check her out...
That is a Beautiful piece of jewelry! It definitely shows the labor and love that went into it.
All you artsy types frighten me with your creativity. I fear if you ever ran the world.
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