So I did that search. Handy little tool, those Googles. Really.
I thought if I started small, with this lovely little self-portrait my heart-throb dashed off, it would make this post have at least a semblance of intellectual versisitude.

That makes it easy to slide into a man in kilts. Nice legs. Really.

From there, we can segue into the shy guy, hiding behind the bust, keeping it all modest and coy:

Before leaping into nearly naked man at the beach with friends:

Oh, well, as much as I adore Alan Rickman, he just is not the beefy stud I know many of us long to gaze at. I personally would love a committed relationship with Mr. Rickman, complete with regular sex, but for just gaping, please god, give me this:

i absolutely disagree!!!! most emphatically!!!! i love alan rickman :) but don't tell anyone. ;) the firemen guys are sexy too but there's just something about alan's voice and well, everything- that is smokin' hot! :)
Ah, Betmo, I adore Alan Rickman, and would love to run off into the sunset with him. However, I love to stare at sexy firemen.
Thank you - this was a breath of fresh air after all the doom and gloom of this week! Nice pictures! ;-)
One day I just KNOW we're going to come to fisticuffs over Alan! I just KNOW it.
Those firemen sure were drool-worthy too. But Alan fits the bill.
Um, I'm sorry, did you say something? I was distracted by Alan. (swoon)
I had me a fireman, and one of the lovely things about a fireman is they loves the damsel in distress. Just saying. They can sling you over their beefy shoulders too. Just saying.
Amazing just how productive google searches can be :-)
Diva - all about essential services, and public safety, doing her civic duty. ; )
You know what's funny? During the commercial of the baseball game last night, I did what any red-blooded, moose-hunting Joe Sixpack would do, channel surf.
Lo And Behold, a Harry Potter flick was airing.
Verily Shall Thine Eyes See, noted British actor Alan Rickman.
The dude does have a cool voice.
Maui Girl, I especially like the Kilt photo. REALLY nice legs.
Helen, that may be true, however, I am older and more experienced, and will beat the tar out of you without so much as a scratch upon my naturally blond head. Alan will then run off into the sunset with me.
DCup, I have decided, as Presidential Candidate, to instate a weekly Alan Rickman feature to assure that I get all thinking women to vote for me.
Utah, you lucky tart, you. I have never had me a fireman. I've been stuck with intellectuals and musicians. Oh, and a clinically depressed child psychiatrist who had 30 identical blue suits. I know, TMI.
Susan, no kidding. I felt so, um, educated.
Fran, yes, and I can almost see Russia from... never mind.
Randal, I confess, I am not so much a fan of the Harry Potter movies. However, the dude has the coolest voice in the world. And he's dead sexy.
I like him as "The Metatron" in Dogma. Particularly when they drink all that tequila.
Now about fireman...I'll have to save those comments for my porn blog.
UC, the tequila scene is hilarious - when he spits out the tequila - brilliant. Porn blog? Good thing you're on Dr. Zaius's campaign instead of mine. That alone should sink him.
now Diva, didn't you have one visit by Firemen this year ??? hmm, time to burn some toast..yup;...
( alan wore a Speedo ?????omg....sorry, but that ruined alot of good fantasies....)
but you know I do love the Firemen..yup....that was fine...
gee they look so lonely....
Enigma, please, Alan was 20-something when this photo was taken. And he's British - they ALL wore Speedos then.
OK, so now I'm gonna have to fight BOTH you & Helen for Rickman? Didn't we agree on a day/night sharing deal?
I can't tell you how much seeing these Rickman photos cheered me up. Really! Firemen are nice, but I like fire & ice & Rickman has both, to spare. And NO one does cool irony better.
Nice pics there Diva. Eye candy for sure. Got that meme done finally.
DK, no, we settled on a share deal with Russell Crowe, or somebody like that. I got Rickman all to my own fine self. So, I win.
Liberality, I thought that lusting after Alan Rickman proves that I am an intellectual giant. Right?
That was the first time I saw any moments of Harry Potter. Rickman was genius in Dogma.
A porn blog? That's worse than me posting pictures of scantily clad women! Why does Zaius hate children?
I remember a line used about Gillian Anderson, the thinking man's crumpet. I guess Alan would be the thinking woman's, um, pastry?
can I write in alan for president? please, can I?
swoon too...
Randal, Dogma was genius. I saw it when it first came out with some friends - they sat, open-mouthed, through the film and I was one of only about three people who laughed during the film - people thought it was blasphemous. But I thought Kevin Smith was raising some really terrific issues, with humor. LOVE that film.
Linda, I am running for President. You should join the campaign team. Rickman's British, he doesn't qualify.
you are right , I must forgive his youthful indiscretion....and besides the Kilt and barefoot more than makes up for it....sigh...
You are adorable!
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