I adopted a 7 month old male kitten today. He's at the vet being neutered, I bring him home tomorrow. He's black, with gold eyes, very playful, very affectionate, and sweet. However, I need to name him. The Shelter is calling him Ooogey, which doesn't fit.
So I am holding a "Name the Male Kitten" contest. Winner will be awarded the cereal prize (nothin, honey) unless I design an appropriate award. Help please.
My immediate thought was "what a cute little boychick!"
So while I think it is not the strongest, I vote Boychick.
I loooooove black cats, I used to have one.
Mazel tov with your new beauty and friend!
he looks like my george! (whom i still miss) ---
just do not name his anything to do with a Moose
He's lovely :-)
Captain Hastings
there are Moondancers.....watch carefully, and if the name fits, perhaps this is one.......
He's beautiful!
I would name him Sagat or Adon which is Thai for Tiger or jaguar.
some_myrhh - Great idea! Not Poirot?
Diva - Lucky.
oh he is so beautiful.....hmmm, Midnight is good...his eyes are so magical....mystical....
Sunny ( because his eyes are like pools of sunshine..)
Oh ,....you will think of something wonderful...once he spend time with him...
My friend had a rotund all black cat & named him *Brunswick* because he looked like a bowling ball!
Zing or Zinger
He is adorable. He reminds me of a cat my neighbor used to have whose name was Carson.
DH is here trying to think of good names and is coming up with a lot of devilish ideas like Satan or Beelzebub. But he looks too cute for those kinds of names.
FranIam, Boychick is a cute name. He's the first male pet I've ever had.
Distrib, Midnight was the name of the cat on the Buster Brown Show - he said "Nice" all the time.
Susan, interesting names - what does Bastet mean?
Some_Myrrh, Captain Hastings? Why not just go with Hercule Poirot?
Ghost Dansing, that was an absolutely gorgeous dance! I've never heard of Yang LiPing before - Moon Solo - hmmm.
Thailand, he's not so much of a tiger at this moment. Jaguar, or Panther, mebbe.
DCup, exactly what I thought. Let's go the full boat here. Once I had a cat named Charlotte Corday, so I could go with another Frenchie.
E4E, he's quite sweet - and one friend suggested I call him Obama.
Fran, that's very funny - Brunswick. Did he have holes in his head?
Mauigirl, he's got golden eyes. Really!
We used to have a cat in our old hood that everyone loved- big Black Cat...with golden eyes...he was named Buddha...( after I read your post I remembered him..have not thought about him in years...)
and 6-6 remembered we took care of a Black cat one fall...he name was BooBoo...( he was a bit of a klutz but we took care of him one halloween...so his name made sense...)
No holes in the head, but the belly had a "striking resemblance" to a bowling ball.
In answer: Bastet . Perhaps not the best of the suggestions so far but it's what I'd coose.
Hey, we have a 'Black-Cat' running for Prez..... I'ld call him Obama....could be fun, ya know!
He's adorable and you are so lucky! I wish I could have a kitty but one dog is obsessed with them and I'm allergic (dammit). I ADORE CATS!!
HEre are some suggested names to pore over:
- Finn Icky
- Miles
- Kevin
- Mr. Pawz
- Scratchy
- Meow-Tse-Tung
- Buttons
- Jumpy
- Alan Rickman
Siddartha? Congratulations, Diva!
Fran, nothing like a fat cat, eh?
Enigma, he's a pretty jolly kitty. Maybe he's a laughing Buddha?
Susan, he's a boy kitty, so I think Bastet might not work. That's a goddess.
Okjimm, when I was at the shelter yesterday, talking to my friend and she said "Obama" I said, what's wrong with Barack? The gal who was helping me spewed coffee over her computer...
Helen, I like cats, I like dogs, and opted for the cat because they take up less space. My condo is tiny. Your names are hilarious - Meow Tse Tung indeed. And I thought about Alan Rickman, it's on the short list. So is Hans Gruber.
Annie, Siddartha is a good name - but I had a cat named Siddartha once before. Also a Black & White Tuxedo Cat named Sylvester J. Puddycat; Charlotte Corday and her companion Terry (We could not call her Marat, she was too dumb.) ALL those cats were female, and Sylvester gave us 3 litters of kittens. She was a tramp.
I was also going to say Alan Rickman. So I triple the motion.
How about a play on Alan Rickman's name, like "Ricky"?
Wouldn't that be cute name for him!
Harold. Definitely Harold.
"Your Eminence"...?
ya know, Harold is good! Iffen I ever getz a dog, I am gonna name it Ralph. That's what dogs say, mostly. Someone knocks on the door and the dog says, "Ralph,Ralph,Ralph." True! I've heard it!
I have the perfect name for him: BINKY.
Your welcome!
Utah, he is handsome.
BE, I mentioned that to my daughter. She said if I named him that, I could tell everyone I'm sleeping with Alan Rickman. Then she said "Eeewww. You're my mother."
Helen, "Ricky" makes me think of Ricky Riccardo from the Lucille Ball Show. Or Ricky Nelson.
mrmacrum, Harold is good, although I prefer Fred.
Kvatch, now that's good. Because he will probably rule the roost.
Okjimm, Ralph is good too, for a dog.
Liberality, Binky? I can't use that because it will get Beanie upset - she used to use Binky, but not any more.
Spartacus, and Ivory sang together with perfect harmony... No, I will NOT call kitty Michael Jackson.
7 months old? He was born in March. I'd call him Saint Patrick, Patty for short. He definitely has a pot of gold in each of those beautiful eyes.
I like FRED!!
Morgan, my granddaughter, Beanie, is a March baby too - I could call him Patty OR Mr. Bean.
Helen, I like Fred too, but POP has a cat named Fred.
Mazel Tov!
I'd call him Stanley or Zadie. So cute. I'm thrilled for you, doll.
I like Mr. Bean.
We named our new kitten Clyde (you little bastard).
How about "Kitty Lub"?
OK.... did you name the animal yet?
I think it is against the Liberal Agenda to have an un-named cat.
I think the 'poll' should have a
How about Hank?
Katie, well, he's home now, and a real love muffin. He's been snipped, and now he's exploring my condo.
morgan, I like Mr. Bean or Alan Rickman.
d.debil, he's too much of a comic to be Clyde. But I like the idea.
Okjimm, I think you're right. But I'm an arugula eating communist, just ask Randal.
Helen, I feel like Hank Williams tonight. Oh, that's good.
Or... get read for it...
CLAWED! I mean Claude.
Hmmm. Golden eye... how bout 007?
Or James Bond?
well? what is befitting him? I am so curious. I see a name in your "it's all about me..." line... how 'bout, TORNADO? I am sure, by his sleek good looks, that when he is recovered from his snipping, he is going to whirl through your condo like nobody's business... way faster than a Fred or Ralph.
OK, what's his name? I came back hoping the decision would be made! I can't say that I have contributed greatly.
How about "Inky" since he's a black cat and ink is black? (I thought of that because I have a friend named Ingrid whose nickname when we were growing up was Inky. But it didn't fit her as she is a Swedish blonde!).
The first cat I can remember was a reverse black siamese named "midnight". Second was a black & white, I got to name, "Tinkerbell". Third was mostly black w/one eye, we called "Sammy" (hey it was rat pack time in vegas).
I like: Tinker
or: Kinky
Our black cat who died last year was named Duncan, which I believe means "dark warrior". I named him after Duncan Gibbons, a director who died saving his cat in an apartment fire.
Our Duncan was no warrior though. He was a silly snuggler.
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