My gramma is
deserpesed depersed sad. Don't make her sad. She's sad because the
Chicago Cubs forgot how to play baseball and aren't doing too good. I can sing take me outa ballgame take me outacrowd real loud but it isn't helping. And gramma is sad because
John McPain's runner mape isn't too smart but she was
winking at everbody when she debate Joe Biden and talking about Joe Sixpack but Joe Biden is kind of Joe Sixpack and it scared Gramma to see Sarah Palin ack sorta like Raygun. All charmy chummy cute. It was icky.
But gramma had lunch with
Alicia from Last Left Turn Before Hooterville and they had fun and got hand massages and ate sammiches and salads and had cookies. I like cookies too. That's them in the picture below.

They look happy, but it was before the debate and baseball.
aren't grandkids fun? which one are you? I want those pink sunglasses!
Before the debate and baseball--heh, heh.
I love the secretary's updates.
How nice to think back on the good times...before we were saddled with the Queen of Wasilla.
Great photo of you girlfriends. And Friday isn't complete without these messages from the Sec. Thanks for the smile.
Look at all three of you gorgeous divas!
I'm sorry about the Cubs (don't tell MathMan I said that, though).
Looks like you and the brilliant authoress had a great time!
Ok, Diva, I'm think that's your Divaness in the pink glasses. You don't look sad, you both look happy. I'm glad you girls had a good time. Ask her how to get a novel published will you?
I'm the one with the short hair and black glasses, and Alicia has the pink sunglasses (which I covet.) We did have a good time.
You are such a doll Ms. Jood.
Yeah, that shot was definitely taken before the baseball. But as I said - and I know it's comical coming from Mr. Cynic - remember the 2004 Red Sox. Hell, the 2003 Red Sox, the 2000 Yankees.
Awwwwwwwwwww........Hope you are feeling better!
Ohhhhhh, and a hand massage!
Have a wonderful weekend!
All right, a picture of Beanie! Nice picture of you guys too. I was just listening to Palin and it drives me crazy. My daughter in Law this morning E'd my wife and said my son would be home from Iraq in November and she was praying we weren't voting for Obama.
He is our only chance but there is no way. The only question now is how they will steal this one. By the way, there is always next year. Go Cubbies!
Madam Secretary...don't worry about gramma. She'll be fine. At least her team made the playoffs. Mine has to wait until 2009 to play in a new stadium named after a bank (Citi) that's going bankrupt. You know what? How about another piggy-back ride? That's a whole lot better than watching the Cubs lose and Sarah Palin talk about Joe Sixpacks. Oh, and one more thing, tell your gramma that her and her friend Alicia look great in that photo.
I knew that was you cuz of your avitar! You're a cutey-pie, just as I figured.
You are all too adorable for words and so funny. Love the post.
Your "grandbaby" gets cuter every day. It's fun to watch her grow.
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