Dress up is fun. Here I am, as Cher.

I'm a fabulous red-head. Gramma DivaJood will be happy.

I am so glamorous. Someone said I look like I've been hitting the bottle with Mel Gibson, but I am so over the bottle, all I use is my sippy cup. And I hear Mel doesn't like milk.

Just like my mommy and my Gramma, I am a Cubs Fan. They tell me it makes us strong and long suffering. They might be tin-foil hat wearers, because the Cubs are terrible. Jelly Cat is stuck. I can't pick her up. Gramma gave me Jelly Cat before I was born. It's my favorite stuffed animal. I love Jelly Cat. Is Jelly a Cubs Fan?
she looks like a mini barbie doll. she is so cute. :)
Betmo, thanks. I can't wait to see her next month.
As a strawberry blonde redhead, let me say that I adore her long, luxurious red hair. We're all long suffering Cleveland Indians fans here... no matter how bad of a season they have, we just can't abandon the Tribe.
I'll be sending ya an email sometime today... I forgot how incredibly hungry and tired being pregnant makes you... and BabyGirl is draining me dry. After slowly pushing her on the swingset like an 80 yr old woman, she told me in the backyard "You need a nap Mommy. You can sleep w/my red blankie." (Keep in mind, like Linus, she drags this blanket everywhere w/her, so it has been washed 70 million times and looks rather ragged). I have never wanted to lay down with that damn blanket in the middle of the hot yard so badly in all my life.
Tina, that red wig was my favorite. As for baseball fans, those of us with terrible teams really just need to get a life, or something.
BabyGirl's offer of her red blankie is about as sweet as it gets. My son had a white blankie which got very ragged eventually - I think he gave it up when he was 9 or 10.
Oh Granbaby blogging. I love that. What a cutie.
Mary, it's what keeps me sane after all the week's news.
Glenda, she does grow at an insane rate - it's the Cubs Cheerleader outfit that makes me think she's really gotten old!
Do you BELIVE in life after love?
Love the Bean.
Sue Woo, I do believe in life after love. Bean is really growing up, I miss her tons.
they are not little long enough...so sweet...
thanks for sharing these...
I am beging to realize how hard rest of my life is going to be. I am absolutely putty in the hands of little boys and especially girls. I can't take my eyes off them and I can't think anything better than chat with them (they are so funny without even trying)...under watchful, sometimes suspicious eyes of their mothers.
Everybody these days is sort of assumed being quilty of pedophilia and truly, you can't blame the mothers being protective. It's just one unfortunate sign of the times.
Your grand dauhgter is a lovely doll. I wish in a way that I could have stopped my oldest daughter's aging process when she was between 2 and 3. Man, it still brings so much joy to reminece about those short years that flew by!
Don't know what happened here but I came through as anon? Sorry about this!
So when your daughter makes you a grandparent, Pekka, you will learn to blog about that baby and it will make you happy!
She is delightful, my dear! So lovely - you are such a lucky woman. I love the pictures you share here. She's cute as a bug! And those wigs are fabulous!
TFLS, thank you - in case anyone didn't know, I adore her. And the wigs ARE fabulous, I agree.
Awwwwwww! She's so cute. As a fellow long-suffering Cubs fan and an ex-neighbor of said team, I can relate.
Tinfoil hats indeed. Most believe that a goat is to blame for the Cubs' bad luck. Uh huh....
Helen, a goat IS to blame for the Cubs' bad luck. That's absolutely true. Sam Siannis cursed the Cubs when they refused to let him bring his goat into the ball park. He's dead, so the curse can't be lifted.
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