Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
That's so funny! You are right - they do look enough alike to be brothers! Poor Steve Carell! You have a very good eye my dear. I never caught that. By the way - thanks so much for stopping by my site earlier. You always say the right things. Inky is much better, thank you. And in case I forget to say it - you have a wonderful vacation! Australia has so much to offer (gorgeous men being one of the main attractions!). If you get a chance - Australia is also one of the biggest opal producers in the world. I picked up some really cool stones 20 odd years back. If you like jewelry - that's the place to be. Of course - they are also the world's only producer of red/pink diamonds. Where's Ben Affleck when you need him?
Funny you should mention it. I'm Australian and a man (gorgeous? nah!). Opals are actually mined and perhaps for sale cheaper at Lightning Ridge (NSW) and Coober Pedy (South Australia).
Robin Andrea, if Crazy Mahmoud had his own TV show, what would it be called?
Oh, the trip - I leave 9/1 and back on 9/16. Not long enough. My home will be guarded by big burly men, who have attack animals. They'll keep it safe from invading Republicans.
I don't think Ahmadinejad wants me dead, he just wants my country to stop threatening to blow the %$#@ out of his.
God, could blogger be any slower today?
I agree with lew, we just need to shut the hell up about attacks and do a little old fashion diplomacy.
I just think they look alike.
OK...that's just spooky.
Wasn't Steve Carell in "Your Friends and Neighbors"? Perhaps the most cringe-worthy movie I've ever seen.
Kvatch, I didn't see it. And I didn't mean to scare your frogness, really.
Look at that evil smile people! I've seen the same look on a shark right before he was about to bite!
Now imagine a shark with nukes!!!
And friggin' laser beams!
Does this mean crazy Mahmoud is a 50 something year old virgin?
That's so funny! You are right - they do look enough alike to be brothers! Poor Steve Carell! You have a very good eye my dear. I never caught that. By the way - thanks so much for stopping by my site earlier. You always say the right things. Inky is much better, thank you. And in case I forget to say it - you have a wonderful vacation! Australia has so much to offer (gorgeous men being one of the main attractions!). If you get a chance - Australia is also one of the biggest opal producers in the world. I picked up some really cool stones 20 odd years back. If you like jewelry - that's the place to be. Of course - they are also the world's only producer of red/pink diamonds. Where's Ben Affleck when you need him?
I'm spooky!
"the fat lady sings"
Funny you should mention it. I'm Australian and a man (gorgeous? nah!). Opals are actually mined and perhaps for sale cheaper at Lightning Ridge (NSW) and Coober Pedy (South Australia).
Diva have a good trip.
Rex Kramer, that's really dangerous. Woah, I'm scared!
Tina, that's funny - could be! Wonder if he'll wax for his wife?
TFLS, I'm just sayin - if nothing else, Carell could play Mahmoud in the autobiographical film, produced by Cruise/Wagner.
Pete, you are spooky. And my black opal ring has a stone from Lightening Ridge - hey, we're doing Bridge Climb in Brisbane - THAT will be fun.
There is a resemblance between the two men. Maybe if Mr. Ahmadinejad had his own TV series, Iran would be in the hands of moderates.
Countdown to Australia. How long will you be gone?
Robin Andrea, if Crazy Mahmoud had his own TV show, what would it be called?
Oh, the trip - I leave 9/1 and back on 9/16. Not long enough. My home will be guarded by big burly men, who have attack animals. They'll keep it safe from invading Republicans.
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