Bush flies by en route to Crawford for his vacation while New Orleans and the coast of Mississippi lie in ruins. The White House says it has allocated $110 billion toward rebuilding and victim assistance; of that, $44 billion has been spent. Apparently, Bush thinks this is enough.

If you agree with me, and feel that this administration's callous disregard for the Hurricane victims is NOT enough, please click HERE to donate to Habitat for Humanity's rebuilding efforts.
It's just so damned sad and seeing bush's bullshit speech today made me want to slap the shit eating grin right off his face.
This entire dreaded anniversary has been tearing me up inside.
I can't believe that criminally incompetent jackass Bush has the nerve to say one damned word about progress when like Nero, he fiddled while an entire part of our nation was dying.
And what do self-bloated empty heads like Tony Blankey spew out? Loathsome crap like this: "There has been more progress in Mississippi b/c they have Republicans in charge. That should be proof enough to Americans that if want things done, you have to let Republicans handle the money."........ Oh really?
I guess it wouldn't have to do with the fact that Miss, unlike LA and New Orleans, had their coast pretty much blown apart by the force of the water and winds... it was not completely drowned and left to rot in putrid standing water week after week.... oh no... of course not THAT wouldn't have anything to do with it.
And how convenient of Blankey to disregard this bit of fact: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us." -Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, LA as printed in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 8, 2004." 2004??!!! Correct me if I'm wrong, but asshat Bush was in charge in 2004, no? But I'm sure somehow, this was too was blamed on Clinton.
Go tina, go PoP.
i am watching Spike Lee's HBO special "When the Levees Broke" as we speak. I may have to stop. Yall know I've been there and I want first dibs on the slap-the-grin project. Maybe I WILL spit. Go on out in the wind PoP and spit!
Patricia, Americans get the punishment the GOP deserves.
POP, the thing about nature is that it does what it does. People who live in an area prone to "disasters" like hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, tornados - we accept that nature is going to do what it does. But the absolute hippocracy of Bush - THAT's where the tragedy begins.
Tina, Bush said "I won't let you down again" - what horseshit. And saying that the money in the President's budget being moved to homeland security is the "price we pay" is like pouring turpentine in an open wound. The price we pay for what? To become a criminal nation?
Sue Woo, after your experience going there to work with people, I'm amazed you don't stage a march on Washington, and single-handedly confront this asshole. I saw "When the Levees Broke" last week when it premiered. I couldn't stop crying.
Yoga, yes indeed.
Thank yo so much for posting on this. It has been a wild ride on this anniversary. The blogswarm was huge today. I have still not gotten to all the posts on it. And to think that in a month, I will get it started all over agian when the anniversary of Rita comes along. I had the displeasure of going through both storms.
Bush has a quagmire in all facets of his office it seems. That should go on his tombstone.
Donnie, but of course. I saw a ton of posts about it yesterday - let's keep shining the light of truth on this dark time in our history.
Sumo, I can see it now: George W. Bush - he created quagmires in everything he touched.
Another thing about Mississippi, the Gulf Coast area had one major industry, casinos. Those were rebuilt right away. When the victims of the storm had at least a job to go to, and the city at least had tax dollars coming back, and the clean up was much simpler, of course it was an easier problem to fix. Oh, I could go on and on, but why bother. Katrina was so gut wrenching, far worse than any other thing I have ever witnessed in this country.
And then came Rita. Nineteen people died on the highways of dehydration trying to escape that storm. Nineteen people died because they didn't have water, and where the hell was FEMA. They could have been delivering gas and water to the stranded motorists. Where were they? And then the busload of nursing home patients finally made it to Dallas and blew up and instead of letting the bus leasing company take the hit for all those gruesome deaths, they charged the bus driver with homicide.
Good God, now doctors in New Orleans are charged with murder.
Bush stood in front of a Habitat for Humanity house to show what a good job he's doing rebuilding.
He stressed the need for Americans to help Americans.
Yet when one thing goes wrong, like the bus exploding or the hospital patients dying, the caregivers are charged with crime.
The Bush criminal cabal parades around scott free.
Karena, FEMA was busy giving Rockey Vaccarella a trailer so he could take a vacation. I almost puked watching that interview of Bush standing in front of the Habitat for Humanity house - one more time he dissembles the truth - I had to turn it off after the "adoring son" crap. What a twisted nightmare.
I can only stand so many lies a day- and Bush exceeds his limit everytime he opens his mouth-within seconds...
Everything your commentors said here is true...it is indeed a twisted nightmare...
E4E, I agree - there is a limit to what we can all tolerate. Bush exceeded that limit with the 2000 election fraud. Which is, of course, why we now celebrate Bushtemberfest.
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