My mommy started her new job and I started day care which I liked until yesterday when the new teacher forgot to give me my binky at naptime so I cried and cried and cried and when she finally figured it out there was only 30 minutes left for naptime so I had to sleep really fast so I was tired and I don't know if I like day care anymore. But I have a friend there now too.
My baba is coming to see me in July. I miss her. I'm a big girl but I still like my binky. Okay bye bye.
Oh my, she is growing up fast, too fast. She's still cute as a bug though. We all need our binkies now and then, even grown up little girls.
She's such a big girl now, day care and all. I hope her teacher remembers the binkie everyday. No more tears.
That teacher needs a spanking for forgetting her binkie!
POP, I could have used my own binkie today, I'm just saying.
Robin, my daughter said she cried again today because she was afraid she wouldn't get her binkie. But in the car coming home, my daughter told her that she was going swimming tomorrow, so Beanie started singing "Pool, pool, pool, pool." And all was well.
Donnie, ya think?
Look at that little pink bow! I feel for your daughter as I know how heart wrenching it is to leave your baby. You take good care, Diva - you're a jewel.
I know a bit about these matters. The teachers will later start trying to make you take a nap when you don't want to, and later, they will only let you have chocolate milk if you remember to bring a note every day from your Mommy saying it is okay for you to have chocolate milk instead of white milk. My advice is to whine about these transgressions until Mommy decides to let you drop out. Eventually, she will find a really nice lady for you to stay with who lets you climb in her big bed and eat bon bons while she watches her favorite soap opera. I SWEAR!!! Write me if you need more advice. This plan is tried and true.
I'm sure her Binky is safe and in her arms while she is sleeping. She'll learn real quick...probably too quick. Love that Beanie.
I thought that David Broder was a complete hippy socialist left-wing media type, but apparently as of right now the WaPo has linked my blog with an article I had linked to.
By the way, I have written a piece about Robert F. Kennedy that you flower-children might like.
Peacechick, she loves her pink bow. She loves swimming in the pool. And soup. And her doggie.
Pursey, that is very good advice. I have a photo of her with her oreo cookie all over her face. She must have been talking to you.
Sumo, her binkie is her pacifier - she only gets to suck it at naptime and bedtime anymore. So when the teacher doesn't give it to her, this is a full disaster.
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