A real, non-work related, honest vacation.
Biopsy results can wait - don't have them, not thinking about it.
Packing with a carry-on - I am a travel professional, don't try this at home, but I can do the entire trip with a carry on - including my perfect little black dress for the wedding. I've checked the weather report (all good, not too hot, not too cold, and sunny.) Wedding gift was sent, and thank you note received.
Au revoir, see you next week.
have a great time! p.s. what was the gift?
Louise from PT
Louise, it was something from their registry - a set of glasses.
Have a wonderful, safe, restful, and happy journey. See you when you get back.
Safe journey!
I never travel with anything but a carry-on. It's too easy! ; )
Have a wonderful time.... and do dance far too closely with a dashing and much younger groomsman if you can :)
Have lots of fun, dance and dance your booty off. And when you get home there is a chocolate cake recipe waiting for you on Friday.
I hope you have a great time DivaJood. But how fare is that? I'm the one with Cajun and French heritage, and you get to go there. Just promise to tell me all about it!
Bon voyage!
The only souvenir I want is you back safely.
Traveling Man
Have a great trip. It sounds like you're going to have a nice time.
I miss you already.
I hope you are having a ball.
Montreal calls to me, one day I will go. I SWEAR!!!
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