Chicago 67 45 .598 -
Milwaukee 62 50 .554 5.0
St. Louis 62 51 .549 5.5
Houston 53 57 .482 13.0
Pittsburgh 51 60 .459 15.5
Cincinnati 51 61 .455 16.0
The Chicago Cubs are right now 22 games above .500, it's August 3rd, I'm just saying.
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
Yeah your just saying! Go cubbies! For some reason it seems to be an interesting Baseball year all around. Take care and enjoy!
I've seen all this before. Talk to me when they make the World Series.
Best wishes the rest of the way in the season. The Cubs have really come alive under Lou Piniella. Now, they just need a few more 13 run wins and you'll be in 7th heaven.
Baseball been berry good to me?
Divajood, have you been learning LOL language from i kan haz cheezbergers?
For diva—GO CUBS!!!.
Well, I guess I could root for the Cubs, since it's you. Anyone else rooting for them gets the Bronx cheer.... pppppplllllbbbb!!!!!
Scroll down a bit here until you see the 'WS.'
Good for them!
I'm certainly not a Cub fan, but I won't deny them their excitement over this season.
Go...White Sox! Sorry, I just can't get the words Go C__s out. It might cause me to go into a seizure or something.
here's hoping!
Sports. Blaaa
The Rays are in first too! We'll see at the end of the year however...
In Los Angeles, we want to re-start the season, Jood!
Hey, Chicago what'dya say,
The Cubs are going to win today.
Go Cubs, Go
Go Cubs, Go
Hey, Chicago what'dya say,
The Cubs are going to win today.
I am currently teamless, seeing as how the NL west is stocked with teams that suck major ass..
I might be persuaded to root for your gents in the playoffs..until they get to the World Serious Diva..then all bets are off and its the BoSox for moi. As a former resident its a must ya know. ;p
Dusty, Dusty, the Red Sox already have their Series win. I'm just saying.
One can nevah have too many 'rings' dear Diva... ;p
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