I am off to my Aussie Specialist Corroboree, with limited time to blog or visit my friends in the world of blogging. So for a topic: what is wrong with the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team and how does this affect Bob Costa's Hair?

Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
I'm going to wish you well. Since I've had zero viewing time for the Olympics, I'm ill equipped to say about the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team, but I will say this....I bet it makes Costa's hair Smell Terrific!
Have fun, Diva!
Is this where you show the world your international relations chops. Just remember that raising two your index and middle finger to Australians is the equivalent of raising the middle finger here... As you future DEA and EPA and Director Floral Arrangements, I just thought I'd give you that advice. But then again, since you're the grand pooba in this campaign, you probably knew that.
spartacus is right, but he neglected to mention that the opposite is also true, so make sure to flip the Aussies off at every opportunity. I know you'd hate to pass up a chance at improving the image of Murka.
Tell the Aussies to tell Elle Macpherson Randal said hello.
I can't answer your question until I know whether the Romanian gymnasts are vampires or not.
Bob Costa's hair, like the fireworks we saw on NBC, was probably "computer generated" hair.
I want to go to Australia. When can we leave?
Have fun at your Carroboree what ever that is! You are confusing this little mind. What does the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team and Bob Costa's Hair have to do with the price of tea in China?
not the bob costa's hair . lol be safe. and like AAP, what ever that is LOL
I thought Bob Costa was dead. Are you sure he wasn't generated by Pixar?
Happy tails... I mean, trails.
I'm not familiar with the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team - but I am a big fan of the Brazilian Women's Beach Volleyball Team :-)
you are too funny. Enjoy.
I finally get back and now you're gone??? Have a great time and bring me back a dingo, ok?
Sheesh. What isn't wrong with the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team?
Next time give us a tougher topic.
I left a strawberry kinda sorta thinggeee .... for you... stop by.
ever since Nadia Comaneci turned like 16 it has been all downhill
I think the Romanian woman's gymnastic team has new strategies......
Who the hell needs all that Olympic top contender pressure?
Demonstrate the properties of gravity, and enjoy the ride.
Now Bob Costa's hair.... I'm not sure which is more befuddling- the dye job or the bad cut...
Oh! By the way NBC would have us believe wining a Silver Medal is a shameful tragedy.
Those disappointing US female gymnasts should hang their heads in shame for coming in 2nd place in the elite worldwide competition. Slackers!!!!
...always wondered who wrote those Blogger profile questions. Now we know.
the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team got the bronze...
I think they make him feel shorter......now Diva when you are our leader promise us you won't sit in the stands and hold up the flag crooked and backwards and that you won't smack the Volley Ball girl on the fanny...
( something about the "womans gymnastics " creeps me out..it is like a bunch of little girls being kept little..and you know the pedophiles are watching them....it would be better if it were REAL women...jus sayin/....)
High quality comments reading. I agree with enigma; it is "girls gymnastics." Few woman's bodies can do what those little girls bodies can do. And there's something icky about the fact we've turned this into a sport for little girls.
//Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team//
I thought the Romanian Women's Gymnastic Team was really a buncha male midgets in drag? Or was that the Bulgarians? Hungarians? I get my ians mixed up.
Man, I'm so hungary.
Hey, I thought this was one of those one-day conferences. You're living the high life with Alan, aren't you.
Just surfacing for a few minutes to say the Conference ended this morning, and now I am packing to go to Chicago, and will catch up with everybody later. Like, MONDAY or something. But it was a great three days, lots of new things in Australia travel scene.
Then I gave notice to the old job - and he promptly fired me. So I think I can collect unemployment while the new job builds up. I'm happy!
OK. I will fire you, too. Then you can collect DOUBLE benefits.
I actually do fire people in my office.... doesn't seem to work. They just laugh at me.
And hey, where's the Secretary of Strawberries? How do I know it is friday if she doesn't show up?
Oh good! Diva will be back on line before you know it. Did I ever send you my phone #? Last week was such a whirlwind at home I can't remember. I'll check my sent e-mails, if I didn't, I'll get it to you.
Let the campaigning resume! Yay!
The Secretary of Strawberries woke up just as my daughter and I got home - about midnight - just to say "Hi Gramma". My daughter picked her up out of bed, and she carried Beanie (boneless Beanie) to say hi to me. I got a big kiss, then she closed her eyes and fell back asleep. This morning, she's been just as sweet as can be. They've gone out to walk Doggie (Doggie jumponmy bed) and I'm dizzy tired. I miss all y'all, and will visit later. Mary Ellen, you did not send your phone number - email me and I will give you mine as well. Thanks for ordering up this gorgeous weather.
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