I will mention that Spartacus has a WORLD CLASS New York accent - this is a city boy through and through - it's great, I don't care that he lives out on the Island, he's classic New York and he's got all the things I love about that city wrapped up in his voice. Living in Los Angeles makes me long for a real city, and real city people know what I mean. Chicago is a real city, too.
So we sat out in my daughter's back yard, about 20 - 25 people with kids, eating great barbque, enjoying perfect weather, and I have to tell you that Spartz was a hit with my daughter's friends - and he's got himself some tour guides which I think is fantastic.
He got the seal of approval from The Secretary of Strawberries and Cream as well.
Such cuties you and the grandaughter are!
Oh how fun!!
I am officially jealous!
Me, too (jealous). But so glad it happened. And thanks for sharing this.
OH you make me miss Chicago so much! The building I used to live in looked just like your daughter's! Man, I have got to get back soon for a visit. I used to live right near Wrigley Field. What fun we had!!! I miss it. LOVE Buddy Guys', we spent enough money in there to buy a house. Geez.... back in the early '90s.
Ah memories. So cool to see 2 great bloggers hook up!!
I lovelovelove a New York accent. For me it's nostalgic and reminds me of my childhood. Looks like you all had a great day together. A beautiful gathering.
Yikes! I'm jealous, both Diva and Spartacus in Chicago and I'm not there. Glad to hear you all had a great time. You're right, making someone laugh in order to take their mind off a game is cheating...I use that ploy all the time. ;-)
(Diva: I'm still in Georgia, will e-mail you asap, I just snuck away to use the computer in the hospice lobby.)
Wow that is really cool so glad you all had a good time and to see all is well Diva take care!
I know exactly what you mean about real cities!! I'm from NY and Chicago is one of my favorite places to visit.
May I say that Spartz is really, really good looking!
Killer smile
and you and the grandaughter look lovely.
So glad you're having a grand time.
Glad you are having some fun!! Change can be both wonderful and stressful.
it looks like you are having so much fun- and i am so very glad you got to meet spartacus- beanie is getting so big!!! can't wait to hear how your new job adventure goes :) have more fun!!!
Great post and great pictures of truly cool people. I'm from Toronto (also a great city) but spent lots of time in other wonderful ones and miss them too. Portland doesn't count.
Beanie is lovely :-)
OMG, that's you! And you look so happy, beautiful, and full of joy. Good for you, divajood. You kicked Napoleon in the ass and took control of your life. I admire your grit.
May all good things happen for you.
Sounds like good times were had by all. Yea!
Diva... damn this class, I could spend the whole week up by you. And that picture of me holding up the Secretary of S & C like that... your readers are going to think I'm some kind of softie or something.
But wow! What a great time I had that day and what a magical way it was to start my trip. I wish all my business trips can start this way. Really, Diva, I was moved by the warmth and hospitality you, your daughter, the Sec'y and all your family and friends showed me. Thanks for making this travelling New Yorker feel at home in Chicago.
It sounds like yooz had a goood time. Don't worry spartacus, you're from Noo Yawk, we know you're an emotionless hardass. And diva, don't look so happy, people will expect you to be happy all the time! ;-)
//.. some kind of softie or something. //
OH, you're not?
hmmmmm.... sounds like it is a good trip.
some people have all the fun!
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