Doggie jumponmy bed. Mya choclut milk peas? Doggie jumponmy bed, she's not asposd to but she jumponmy bed. An we went to the fair me and mommy and there was a improviser group and they wanted a
volumater someone to come up on stage and so I raised my hand and I got to go up and play in their play which was someone telling me a story. I like stories. So but they blew pretend sand on me so I caught it in my hand and they said doggie would come lick all the sand offa me so I told them doggie jumponmy bed and everbody laughed especially mommy laughed. And they took my picture for the paper. Mya strawberries with my chocolate milk peas?
And you should all vote Diva/Nunly and not for that girl with the first name of a city and not for the Simian Doctor and not for anyone else but Diva/Nunly that's what I think
The Secretary of Strawberries and Cream is no doubt a future world leader. And perhaps a musician. Tell me you can read a set of lightnin' blues lyrics in that paragraph.
Alas, Randal, Beanie will never be a musician - at least not the singing kind - although she can pick out a tune on the piano at her grampa's house. But if you can set that paragraph to music, and get someone with a fast hand on a Fender, have at it.
Well, UC can play. Too bad he's a traitor, the traitor! I'm thinking a promo album for the campaign to disperse to radio stations and at official functions, the soundtrack to a better future or some equally cheesy phrasing. Much more exciting than a bumper sticker with either too weak or too strong glue or a button that will only lead to an epidemic of punctured shirts. CD-Rs are cheap as hell. okjimm can pass some out at his Wisconsiny shindigs, too.
I'm thinking that since Paris Hilton has announced her candidacy, Dr. Z and his team should throw in the towel and sign onto the Shit From Shinola Party. I'm sure we can find them positions. UC could be the official Pie-an-ist.
Entirely too charming. And it would make a good song--I've got a whole house full of musicians. Maybe one of them could take a go at it?
I'm no traitor! I'm an Unconventional Superdelegate, there's a difference.
I KNEW you guys were talking behind my back over here.
Missy, as long as neither the Secretary of Strawberries and Cream don't have to sing out loud, go for it.
UC, can we buy your vote? Really!
I have to laugh! Until I come here and see Beanie I never remember it is Friday. What a cutie pie!
Beanie's got her head on straight. I would've liked to see her on stage.
Does Paris think she's actually got a chance against the Jood/Nunly ticket? Silly little fool...
as long as beanie is in the cabinet- diva/nunly have my vote!
Gees..... friday.... where did the completely fun-filled week go?
I am really of the milk peas, though. I mean, lactating legumes?
Gonna stick with just strawberries....
have a good weekend, kiddo.
Double clicked on the picture just to get a better look. They are both very lovely.. never run out of strawberries.
Diva/Nunley have them on the run!
Ahhhh Beanie - I trust you! Diva/Nunley is surely the best.
I hope we get to see your picture in the paper.
Beanie makes more sense than most adults I know and certainly more sense than any other politician in office today. Not to mention, she'll bring in the pure of heart vote. Too sweet, she is!
That sounds just right. I love kids that age.
Ah...she a cutie that Secretary of Strawberries and cream...she's reason number one to vote Dive/Nunley.
Patiot, I am so glad to be your weekly calendar. Makes me feel useful.
Border, the story, as described by my daughter, was hilarious. Starting with Doggie jumping in her bed middle of the night on Friday, through to the volunteering to be on stage. She's a little performer, that one.
Betmo, Beanie is the most important of all the cabinet positions. I'm so objective.
Susan, Beanie looks exactly like my daughter did, and exactly like me, when we were her age. Except tall. My daughter is just an amazing young woman, I'm quite proud of her.
Dianne, so far, no word about the local paper.
Nunly, well someone needs to buy more votes for us! I thought the pure of heart didn't vote.
Dcup, Nunly told me it is okay for me to give her ice cream and cake for breakfast when I am back in Chicago. Especially strawberry ice cream.
Spartacus, I thought that the Jood/Nunly ticket was garnering votes because we're both hot, and intelligent. Now you're telling me that it's because of my cabinet? Yikes.
I just love seeing that face- she gives me hope!
Diva, the hot candidates was implied. But having a cute cabinet member (Madam S of S & Cream specifically) can't hurt your chances.
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