Gramma is coming to visit me again tomorrow and I can't wait. We'll go to the zoo and maybe a baseball game and I can eat hot dogs. We went to see Mickey Mouse and I got scared at the rides. I'm having a
onion pinyon about
the Priminster of Izreal because he should resign because he took bribes and he doesn't want peace. And he's sposed to go to Egypt with somebody named Barak who is not the same as Barack Obama, because this Barak is the Izreal minster of defence and they're sposed to talk about a sees fires with Gaza. And this Barak and lots of other peoples in Izreal are telling the priminster to resign because of
craolushun crupshun. I think he's a bad man like the prezlinet of America and they should put them all in peaches.
I like to draw on the steps with my giant chalk. Bye bye. Let's have peace.
I'm with you, ellie bean, I hope the Israeli prime minister resigns. Enjoy your time with your gramma. Safe journeys all around.
Robin, Olmert is displaying the arrogance of the neo-Conservatives in refusing to step aside. I suspect he will be convicted. As for the negotiations with Hamas, I'm not hopeful. Israel has already said they don't like the terms.
A high public official convicted of crimes? Your ideas are weird and scary to me.
Randal, it happens in other countries. Just not in the US of A. I swear.
Diva, do you talk to your grandchildred (or children when they were young) of Politics?
I am just wondering how one would plant political seeds in young minds. I was exposed to it very early on because the politics of a REvolution turned my family's life upside down. Ans so I am always shocked to see people of my age who are NOT politically oriented.
Naj, it's really not as much a matter of talking to them about politics as it is the way we lived our lives. I grew up in a liberal home - and, as in most Jewish homes, my parents placed a high value on education and thinking. That's how my (ex) husband and I raised our kids as well. I was active politically, worked on a lot of congressional campaigns and local elections, so my kids were exposed to it. We talked about issues that affected us, our community. And that's what goes on with Beanie. She's only 3, but she is not sheltered from conversation. Young minds absorb what they are exposed to.
I'm going to be one of those classic OLD grandfathers. My oldest biological son, Harrison, was born when I was 47. He's only six. I'll be 66 when he graduates from High School. Then there's college, marriage, etc. I'll be in my 70s before I see any grandchildren!
I dunno, Robert. I'm only 12, and I have one. 0;)
Hi there Ellie!
You sure keep up to date. Much more than some supposed grown ups.
I'm one of those really old people who's supposed to be keeping the world safe for you, and making it better for when you take charge. I'm afraid it's not going to be like that at all, when I hand you control of the world. So let's go out on he sidewalk, and I'll help you write with that great big chalk. First, draw a long. straight line like this:______. Then write "Bush" right beside that line. I'd tell you what to write on the line, but Gamma would slap me, and you'll learn that anyway, all too soon!
she is soooocute...thank you for sharing ...
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