New Title: The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out, How I Learned To Play Pinnocle On Your Snout, by "Beam Me Up" Scott McClellan
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
Scott should be in jail with the rest of these clowns. How many times can we tell our selfselves that it can't get any worse and then...
I'm of many minds on this one. I hope I live to see some justice come out of all this shit storm. I'll bet there are a lot of families of the fallen who are mighty fucking pissed off he didn't tell the truth when it might have made a difference. But then, it still might make a difference. Because it will be discussed throughout the general election, and it hammers home the truth about the original agenda of BushCo and it gives the judiciary committee the justification to go at them again, with new subpoenas and arrest warrants. I'm more angry at gutless Colin Powell. He sold his soul to the devil. When is that one going to write a book? And I'm furious with Pelosi and Reed for letting time run out.
The one thing Scotty boy might have done is make it harder for BushCo to drop the big one on Iran before he departs for the ranch in Paraguay
Bradda, no kidding. As has been pointed out by Randal Graves, rats do leave a sinking ship. I'm sure Scotty is thinking about selling the movie rights, like he's Carl Bernstein or something.
Utah, really, where was McClellan when he could have helped stop the war? And you're right about Colin Powell. And the overly face-lifted Nancy Pelosi, who probably has an aging portrait hidden away in some attic.
OMG, the picture of Dorian Pelosi! I knew it!
Listen, I know he is a disgusting worm of a man, but I still welcome Scotty coming clean. The admin tripping all over themselves practically calling him a head case has me smiling.
Which actor do you think Scotty would like to see play him? I was thinking a younger Richard Dreyfuss. Maybe Jeremy Piven?
We can have a CGI worm play him.
He should have gone with "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them" but that title was already taken.
P.S. I've moved. Again.
DK, I can see it now: The Picture of Dorian Pelosi, a new horror film directed by Wes Craven, staring Joan Rivers as Pelosi. As for the Scott McClellan role, it sure won't be George Clooney. Maybe the guy who's the host on "Are You Smarter Than A Republican Fifth Grader?"
Randal, I repeat: The Worms Crawl In...
Agi, I think that would have been a great title for Scotty, but alas. Maybe he could sue?
Possible alternative book titles:
• Make Millions while redeeming your soul for Profit
• Show me the money & I'll tell you the truth
• Blood on my hands- better to come clean late than never
• Scathing tell all book- Part 1
• How the National Enquirer Infiltrated the inner Core of the White House
• • A Convenient Truth
Phillip Seymour Hoffman could play him, but that won't happen because this will only be a TV-movie that would be beneath the skills of Mr Hoffman. How about Ricky Schroder?
I'm with Utah in that this thing has stirred up a shit storm and maybe something good will come out of it. I would like to read his book, but will not buy it. That's what libraries are for.
Off topic: Hey Jood- Come visit the
Fee the Friendly Skies post....
you just might love it as a travel industry pro.
Hey Diva
Seven in a row, Go Cubbies!
"Re-tooled" is right! There ain't a bigger tool than old Scotty.
Fran, "A Convenient Truth" gets my vote.
Blueberry, Ricky Schroeder is too tall. How about Jim Belushi?
Patriot, Cubs ROCK!
Kvatch, that had not crossed my mind. Not at all. That Scotty's a tool, I mean...
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