With gas is being more than $4 I maybe shouldn't be driving. My gramma wants to work from home so she doesn't have to drive every day. The people who want to be prezilnet are all making stuff up about gas to bring the prices down, even the one gramma likes. She thinks that prezilnet Bush and his friends are doing something to barrels like
Ha! I love it!
I am a Cardinals fan, but secretly cheer on the Cubs too.
We probably won't get M-peaches, but maybe later we can get M-prison for Mr. X-Pretzeldent.
If we get M-prison for this clown, I'm buying the next round for everyone. The economy should be bouncing back anytime soon!
And to help you justify your driving, remember, you're not behind the wheel of a Hummer.
Forehead, I have only two requests of my children, and now my grandchild: They must be liberal; they must be Cubs fans.
Blueberry, the Cubs are a game ahead of the Cardinals. They were two, but then they played Houston. Yuck. If we get M-prison, I would be happy.
RG, from your mouth to the Supreme Court's ears. And yes, I am not driving a Hummer. My Civic apparently offsets their fuel usage.
Remember whwen the shrub gave big tax breaks for gas guzzling SUV's and Hmmmers? That was right at the beginning, before 9/11. I'm pretty sure he was planning his war profits then. This was when Cheney was meeting secretly with the CEO's of the big oil companies, setting energy policy. Nprison is where they should be. Nprison in an emptied Guantanimo getting waterboarded everyday cause the both like watersports so much. And Cheney should get buckshot in the face now and then just for the fun of it.
Utah, there was also a period when GM was subsidizing the gasoline for new Hummer purchases. Made gas something like $1 per gallon for those pround new drivers. Perhaps, instead of Gitmo for their Nprisonment, they could get beach front property on Plum Island.
Oh what a tangled web we create
When first we start to matulipate.
Is this Beanie in Disneyland? The teacups ride or? My favorite around her age was Mr Toad's Wild Ride.
Hey, thanks for the link in your comment! Someday I'm gonna figure out how to do that. I do the code but it goes nowhere. One time I got a message about enabling HTML, but couldn't find how to do that. However I can link just fine in blogger text.
DK, the thing about this administration is that they lie even when it would be easier to tell the truth. Yes, it is Beanie at Disneyland - just outside Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, which freaked her out. She was quite sad.
Over on my link list, on the right, there is a link to HTML info - but the way you link in a comment is easy. email me, I will get back to you with the info.
Thanks, Diva, I will try again this weekend. I just got rid of a couple of repub houseguests at noon & now I've got to prepare for another one tonight. This one will be fun, though. My favorite niece on her way up to ID. I know HTML is the key, but right now, my brain is too frazzled.
I guess I was a wierd kid who loved to be scared. I talked about Mr Toad for years after we first made the pilgrimmage to DLand when I was about 5. When we finally returned to DLand, I was maybe 10 or 11, and by then it wasn't scary at all.
Investors are speculating on the price of oil futures (even on the price of food futures, as well). As long as there is money to be made, we will suffer for the rich to be richer. The corruption of everything in the name of capitalism, that's the true America.
DK, if you have trouble, let me know.
Robin, no kidding. I filled up my tank today, $40 - it makes me ill. Especially because the technology exists to make fuel efficient cars - there is NO reason, other than greed and corruption, for oil prices to be so high.
Diva I am going to try and be nice and just wish you and yours a safe and Happy Memorial Day Weekend outdoors of course!
Please ensure you vote, sweetheart! You make more sense than most big people I know!
I love the Peaches part..too funny...Happy Monty Python Anniversary...
have a safe and happy memorial day... take care...
Patriot, it's Saturday. I should be outside, playing at the beach. Instead, I am at work, dealing with the phones.
TUA, she cannot vote yet, she's three!
Enigma, she's very funny. Namaste.
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