First, I need to get started on my new job!

Then, I will be busy furnishing my new home!
And Phil Gramm calls us a nation of whiners.
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
Well just as long as you keep yourself busy. That's all that matters.
Don't worry, you'll have a new job as President soon. Surely no one will vote for anyone who is in office now...Dem or Repug. We should be in this thing uncontested! The bad news is...we'll have to clean up the mess they left. Women...we always get stuck with the cleanup!
I was tempted to crack a joke about giving you special service at our shelter, but--in this economy...it's not funny. As your photos demonstrate.
You are so talented, Diva. Obviously Phil Gramm needs assistance, but he doesn't deserve someone as good as you.
Kinda looks like my place. You looking for a decorator?
personally..... I think Salvation Army has better furniture.... but GoodWill has nicer clothes. I guess it depends on how your tastes run. I think Neo-Rummage is a nice motive.
Ahh, but Post-Rummage has that special aesthetic...
Hey! Quit slacking & get to work to pay corporate welfare.
Kiss your index finger and plant it on your cheek for me today.
he he he.
Have a productive and wonderous day!
And remember, if you're a victim, it's your own fault.
Dr. Monkey, when I worked for Napoleon I had much more time on my hands. Apparently, I am much more of a slave-driver as an employer. And I haven't been paid in over a month.
Nunley, I don't want to clean anything. That's what a cabinet is for. You hide your mess there.
Border, Phil Gramm and I would not work well together. I've heard he doesn't share his toys. Besides, I am looking for cardboard sheets for my bed.
Missy, why, yes. Do you do anything in MSM Free Pass?
Okjimm, thanks for the tips. Personally, I like Post-Conceptual Rummage.
Fran, I am so happy my taxes will go to bailing out another CEO failure. It warms my heart.
Liquid, thank you for the warm affection. I passed it on to Freddie Mac. And I was so productive, it scared me.
Bubs, right. I should have been more focused. If only I had been born a vapid Republican wife.
I love what you've done with the place!
Randal, don't you like that open feel?
The great thing about a cardboard house is how easy it is to add extensions.
Dean, what a great idea. I can always have room for other squatters.
I have room for a Hooverville in my back yard and will allow anyone who'd like to suck power for a computer hook-up. Walking distance to a nice little coffee shop as well.
Wonderful visual reminders of the joys Bush's reign has in store for us.
I knew about the new job. But a new place, too? My you're a busy lady!
Ah, Utah, as long as I can get a swamp cooler with it.
Spartz, no, I'm not really moving. Unless I can't pay my mortgage.
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