My gramma was visiting me she was stayed here for three weeks, and she kept tickling me her fingers would get stuck in my armpits and so I stole her nose and ate it but it made her tickle me more. Then mommy went to Washtun DC for her work and gramma let me play in things that mommy doesn't and I got to bring a big stick home for doggy. Doggy got sick and went to hopsital because she ate my food. Mommy and gramma and me took doggy to hopsital and they kept her overnight I was sad. Doggy can't eat my food or she go back to hopsital. We don't like Sarah Palin in my house she likes to kill animals and that's not pro life at all. I like spiderwebs. There's a feather on the outside wall it hanging upsidedown from a bird I don't know how it got there. And Gramma got a award from Utah Savage which is pretty.

So Gramma and me gonna give this award to some other peoples. More than two peoples. Five peoples. Gramma thinks these peoples are brilliante
1. Pagan Sphinx
2. Border Explorer
3. Robert Rouse
4. Liquid
5. Fran
All these bloggers are brilliante. They are great to read, great images, thoughts.
Why thank you, Diva! I'll try to find five worthy people to pass it on to.
Happy Friday! What a lovely child - she is a joy to behold. As are you!
And congrats on your award and to your recipients!
I endorse Utah's selection. Talent recognizes talent.
Thank you, Diva, for this award. I'm honored to be on a list with Fran and Robert Rouse! Now I must get to know Pagan Sphinx and Liquid...thanks so much.
Your Grandbaby blogging was wonderful as always. So glad to know that there will be no position in the Office of Strawberries and Cream for Sarah Palin in January 2009.
I've heard that McCain and Palin don't even like strawberries and cream. How 'bout them strawberries?
And I too, agree with Utah!
Your blog is soooo brilliant and I just love visiting here. Lovin' the post by your grand daughter!!
How precious!
Also, I am both honored and flatterd to be chosen, by you, and amongst these other incredible bloggers!
Thank you soooooooooo much!
Brilliant? Naw. But Brilliante; now you're-a-speakin'-ma-language! ;-)
Congrats and thank you all in one breath.
Awww shucks Diva ~ that's mighty nice of you, and it's nice your'e back tappin away your brilliant thoughts. Welcome back!
Brava Diva!
what a smart kid! and gramma too!
Gramma's got one little precious pip on her hands. Congrats on the award.... Hope Doggy is feeling better.
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