It's just over nine minutes but worth watching all of it. His point about testing the VP candidate is so on the money.
McCain's act is a Hail Mary pass if ever there was one. (See Randal? I know my football terms.)
Update: Here is Craig Ferguson's take on the issue:
You can't suspend democracy. Hat tip to Dianne for this. Both Dave and Craig point out, through humor, the absurdity of McCain's empty gesture. The power of humor is far reaching. I applaud them both.
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Ok, I've watched about half of the video and have a few things to add. So, Letterman thinks that John McCain suspended his campaign because he was scared to debate or because he was too humiliated to go on his show? Interesting.
For one thing, the debate wasn't a problem because the debate was scheduled to be on foreign policy, one of John McCain's strong points (according to the polls). Where was Obama when it came to all those town hall debates that he promised he would have with McCain and then backed out of? Where was Obama after the last debate he had with Hillary that went so badly for him? What did he do? He canceled all future debates with Hillary.
Also, John McCain didn't say he would not show up for the debate. He asked that it be delayed until this bill was passed, that's all. He even gave the option to switch the debates to the VP debate would go first and this one in place of the VP debate which was only a week apart. That's not running from a debate. McCain said that if this bill is finally agreed upon and the vote takes place before Friday, he will be there.
Also, the reason that John McCain is in Washington is because he is the leader of his party now. Just like Obama is the leader of the Democratic party. The Democrats are already lined up and ready to pass the amendments that are being put on this Bill. In fact, McCain is in agreement with the Democrats on these amendments, so he's not the enemy here. He is in Washington, not to make changes in the Bill or sit in on the meetings, he's there to get the rest of the Republicans who are holding out to vote no on the amendments, to vote yes. That means he will be sitting in on meetings with them, trying to talk them into being reasonable about this bill. That's what a leader does. He can't have meetings with all these guys in Washington if he is off doing talk shows and other events. He also has decided not to run any more ads. This was not something that is beneficial to him, it was out of respect for the Americans who don't want to hear about politics. Instead, they want to hear about what is being done to save them from losing their homes and how we have leaders who are fighting to make sure that they aren't going to get screwed by Bush again while he gives out tax payer money to his rich friends. Some of us like the idea of having our Senators do their jobs, especially in a crisis like this instead of saying, "Give me a call when the champagne cork pops." John McCain is trying to work in a bipartisanship manner on this issue. Remember bipartisanship? Change from the old ways in Washington?
I can't see how this is a "Hail Mary" pass...the polls are too close to call it that. If you recall, McCain was also willing to put off the GOP Convention during the hurricane. That did not benefit him or the Republican party, he did it because he thought it was more important to respect those who were trying to evacuate in time. That's it.
Anyway..I know my views on this election are not welcome by most. And I never said I was backing McCain. I'm just not one to sit by and listen to the Obama talking points by guys like Letterman who seems to have his shorts tied in a knot because someone dared to cancel his appearance on his show.
That's my opinion and I wish I could just pat everyone on the back and say they are right and I agree with them. That's easy to do...but it's not the right thing for me.
Sorry if anyone is offended by my views, that's not my intention.
Mary Ellen, you are entitled to your views. I don't agree with them, and that's why they print menues in restaurants. No problem.
I posted the monologue too Jood, I also posted a link to Craig Ferguson's monologue which came right on the heels of Dave. Check out Craig - I think you'll love him.
Dianne, I will check out the Ferguson link too. Thanks!
John McCain doesn't give one whit about bipartisanship. Which is kind of a dumb word anyway. I want partisanship. Partisanship for the little guy. Which neither party really gives a crap about for the most part. I know you aren't the world's biggest Obama fan, but come on, Nunly. And if McFossil is so concerned about doing his job, maybe he shouldn't have missed all those votes.
Randal, speaking of missed votes:
Missed votes for the 110th Congress
John McCain 64.2% or 412 votes
Tim Johnson* 48.4% or 311 votes
Barack Obama 45.9% or 295 votes
*Tim Johnson suffered a brain aneurysm in 2006 and is only slowly getting back to a full Senate schedule (stats: the brilliant Distributorcap NY
Randal- Gee, it's too bad Obama didn't show up to vote on those amendments to strip the telecom's from their immunity on the FISA Bill, like he promised he would. He just waltzed in and voted yes on the entire bill and walked out.
Regarding McCain.. I never said I supported John McCain or all (not even a few) of his policies, I was just pointing out this situation and why he went to Washington, that's all. And as long as we're looking at about all those "Present" votes in Illinois that Obama made. Or the ones where he said he hit the wrong button by accident...I think it was 6 times. Four of the situations are written below...
On March 19, 1997, he announced he had fumbled an election-reform vote the day before, on a measure that passed 51 to 6: "I was trying to vote yes on this, and I was recorded as a no," he said. The next day, he acknowledged voting "present" on a key telecommunications vote.
He stood on March 11, 1999, to take back his vote against legislation to end good-behavior credits for certain felons in county jails. "I pressed the wrong button on that," he said.
Obama was the lone dissenter on Feb. 24, 2000, against 57 yeas for a ban on human cloning. "I pressed the wrong button by accident," he said.
But two of Obama's bumbles came on more-sensitive topics. On Nov. 14, 1997, he backed legislation to permit riverboat casinos to operate even when the boats were dockside.
The measure, pushed by the gambling industry and fought by church groups whose support Obama was seeking, passed with two "yeas" to spare -- including Obama's. Moments after its passage he rose to say, "I'd like to be recorded as a no vote," explaining that he had mistakenly voted for it.
Obama would later develop a reputation as a critic of the gambling industry, and he voted against a similar measure two years later. But he was clearly confused about how to handle the issue at the time of his first vote, telling a church group on a 1998 campaign questionnaire that he was "undecided" about whether he backed an expansion of riverboat gambling. And, months earlier, he had voted in favor of a version of the bill.
The senator who led the opposition to the gambling measure, Republican Todd Sieben, said he took Obama at his word that the initial vote was an error. But Sieben also said the thin margin of victory was a sign that perhaps there was more to the vote than met the eye. "He was obviously paying attention to this vote. It was a major, major issue in the state, and it was a long debate," Sieben said. "The inadvertent 'Oops, I missed the switch' -- I'd be kind of skeptical of that."
On June 11, 2002, Obama's vote sparked a confrontation after he joined Republicans to block Democrats trying to override a veto by GOP Gov. George Ryan of a $2-million allotment for the west Chicago child welfare office.
Shortly afterward, Obama chastised Republicans for their "sanctimony" in claiming that only they had the mettle to make tough choices in a tight budget year. And he called for "responsible budgeting."
A fellow Democrat suddenly seethed with anger. "You got a lot of nerve to talk about being responsible," said Sen. Rickey Hendon, accusing Obama of voting to close the child welfare office.
Obama replied right away. "I understand Sen. Hendon's anger. . . . I was not aware that I had voted no on that last -- last piece of legislation," he said.
What happens if he accidently presses the wrong button in the Oval Office? KABOOM! ---Of course that's an exaggeration, but I'm in that kind of mood today. ;-)
We'll agree to disagree on this one. I just think that we voted for Senators and such to do their jobs and go to Washington to represent us, not to use there office to springboard to campaign for a higher office after only 143 days in office.
I'm thrilled you liked Craig - I am a big fan of his.
Here's his other worthy (of many) monologue.
It's titled "If you don't vote you're a moron" but it is about so much more than that and it does not have the tone the title suggest.
Valuable resource of david letterman news summaries:
I swear I laughed all the way through Letterman -- then, because I had DVR'd it, I laughed all the way through it again a little later when the hub decided to watch it. Hadn't seen Ferguson, so thanks for that vid. I know he's been in the process of becoming a US citizen now & must be wondering WTH kind of system we really have here.
Regarding McCain's townhalls since somebody loves to repeat wingnut talking points here-
McCain's argument broken down to it's base element is that he had to pull the political stunt last week because Obama didn't go along with his political stunt a few months ago.
President Obama.
You better get used to that idea.
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