Which begs the question: what makes these UberConservatives "pro-family" and the rest of us not? I look at people around me, none of whom have traditional family set-ups anymore - children being raised in loving, single-parent homes; mothers who work; gay and lesbian parents raising children - aren't these people pro-family too? I don't hunt, which I guess is positively un-American.
Still. John McCain says this woman will be ready from Day 1. From the looks of things, I guess that's true.

My hubby says she can't be pro-life if she's out hunting and killing wild life such as moose. We Buddhists don't like that stuff one little bit ;~)
oh snap!!! did you see the stewart clip where his minions were at the rnc asking people what 'small town values' were? well, suffice to say it was (and i paraphrase) white, christian people married to the opposite sex and gossiping about their neighbors. i'll see if i can find the clip and you can see if i am far off :) now granted there's some creative editing on the part of the daily show- but i lived in a small town.
I'm sure this was the pic John McCain looked at when he did his... ummm... vetting.
Thanks spartacus, I'm going to use that from now on.
"What are you doing in there?"
"I'm vetting the candidate!"
I think if we throw Republican speak in the Translate-O-Meter, pro-family=Leave It To Beaver.
It's simply the difference between accepting the world as it is or trying to make the world something different because it doesn't conform with how you imagined it was.
Palin looks like a Hooker in this picture.
Can you hike that skirt up a little more honey?
We all know just how practical those 4 inch spike high heels are in the Alaskan terrain.
Well, from everything I've read the last couple of days about Palin and McCain, when they say pro-family what they really mean is this:
Pro (enrich my family at the expense of taxpayers AND protect my family using government agencies to lie for me) MY family. Fuck all those other families.
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