(big thanks to Katie Schwartz for the link)
Wasilla forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic tests when Palin was mayor.
Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill -- signed into law by Knowles -- that banned the practice statewide.Of course, Governor Palin opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest, even if the victims are children. So why not make them pay for their foresnsic rape kits?
"There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla," (former Gov. Tony) Knowles said.
And she's so pro-life, she offered a bounty of $150 for turning in the legs of freshly killed wolves. She favors the trophy hunting of Grizzly Bears, even though the bear viewing industry (tourism) generates over $100,000,000.00 in revenue for Alaskans.

We cannot risk an administration of John McCain and Sarah Palin. We cannot. She would be worse for the environment than George W. Bush. Please, spread the word. Vote for Obama, do NOT sit on your hands this fall.
There's more. Grizzly Bay has been online since 2007, long before Ms. Palin became the Republican's Rock Star VP Candidate. The owners of the site are Alaskans, and proudly active in protecting Alaska's wonderful wildlife. This woman is bad for the environment, bad for America, and bad for the World. Visit the site, get educated.
Hat tip to Liberality for finding the site.
Most Americans don't believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.
Vigilante... you're right. And most Americans are also very pro-life -- that is, against the death penalty. But why is it that numbnuts like Palin keep getting voted in?
I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be worse than Bush but boy was I ever wrong. She is a nightmare! That website, Grizzly Bay, is packed full of great stuff and you can grab a banner to put on your web page if you want to spread the word. Thanks for getting the word out.
Vig, exactly. But she's the poster girl for hypocrisy when it comes to "right to life."
Spartz, to me, Pro-Life means I am against the death penalty, I am against pre-emptive wars, I am against the wanton killing of animals for sport. Somehow, in the eyes of neo-cons, that makes me unAmerican.
Liberality, I am so glad you found the site - hopefully everyone will get to in, promote it. She is such a danger to America that it staggers the mind.
I think one can call herself prolife when she's prepared to support policies that actually promote healthy lives. (and opposes war, doesn't kill animals, opposes the death penalty, etc, etc, etc....)
On a light note - Tina Fey is wonderful!!
Amen to everything you and your commentors said. I posted a link to a letter Eve Ensler wrote about Palin - it's on my Friday post. Also - thinkprogress.org has devoted an incredible amount of time and space to researching this idiot's "credentials". Just the videos of her interview with Charlie Gibson are worth viewing.
I've been e-mailing links like crazy.
Palin. Must. Be. Denied. Office.
A majority of American parents also support comprehensive sex education but that hasn't stopped the feds from funding abstinence-only sex education exclusively.
You had me at : We cannot risk an administration of John McCain and Sarah Palin
SNL and Tina Fey nailed it.
DCup, exactly. I feel I am more pro-life than those people with the moniker because of my anti-death penalty, anti-hunting stance.
Dianne, she's terrifying. And yes, Tina Fey was brilliant.
Pagan, it's amazing how the right has twisted an Obama suggestion about teaching kindergartners about avoiding pedophiles into something evil about sex.
Fran, should I repeat it? We cannot afford them.
Dean, Tina Fey is so on the money - it was a brilliant piece.
The whole Repugnentican show is like an old Superman Comic. Dr. Doom seems to have Clark Kent (aka Olbermann) under control with kryptonite at the moment while he installs his evil cronies into the White House...G:
ps: I stole a picture of Caribou Barbie. Hope ya don't mind...G:
Geezer, steal away. Clark Kent indeed! Hah.
I am try trying to form Pro-Lifers Against Sarah Palin's Extremism, Google it and click on CapitalHillBlue,
I beleive a war between the government and abortion supporters will mean more abortion then Obama trying to work out compromises.
By the way my gut feeling if a woman was beat up by her boyfriend and went home and killed her premature infant would be to try to stop it, but if she was 10 months pregent, I would only gently urge her not to.
This, However doesn't make sense and I know it.
I'm also against murdering Troy Davis and hope I can engenere to stop it.
Why no recent comments on the subject here or elsewhere?
I am try trying to form Pro-Lifers Against Sarah Palin's Extremism, Google it and click on CapitalHillBlue,
I beleive a war between the government and abortion supporters will mean more abortion then Obama trying to work out compromises.
By the way my gut feeling if a woman was beat up by her boyfriend and went home and killed her premature infant would be to try to stop it, but if she was 10 months pregent, I would only gently urge her not to.
This, However doesn't make sense and I know it.
I'm also against murdering Troy Davis and hope I can engineer to stop it.
Why no recent comments on the subject here or elsewhere?
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