This is a fun little test that Fran emailed me this morning. Since I have absolutely not one thought in my Diva brain other than the fact that the Chicago Cubs Magic Number is 4 and they lost to freaking Milwaukee last night. So until they clinch, I am having small bouts of anxiety.
No. The Financial Crisis matters not at all when baseball is on the table. A totally unqualified hockey mom as VP Candidate hardly matters when the Cubs are poised to do what hasn't been done by them in 100 years. I'm sorry, I must focus now on winning vs. heartbreak.
Because if I focus on what really matters, my head might explode.

GO CUBS!! Did I tell you, I used to live 2 blocks away from Wrigley Field for 9 years? I love that neighborhood and I felt the cubbies were my neighbors. I went to a lot of games. I am SO pulling for the Cubs!! I remember the playoffs in 1989. I got to hang out at a friend's place right across the street from the stadium, and watch it from her balcony. It was magic.
Do it Cubbies! DO IT!!
Helen, yes, I remember you lived close to Wrigley. I love the Cubs.
Oh, going to the new San Pedro Animal Shelter today to see about volunteering.
They'll clinch. Don't worry.
October? Worry.
*runs and hides*
Diva, that is SO wonderful!! It's not easy work, but the critters need so much help now. THANK YOU!
Diva... remember the black cat that ran in front of the Cubs dugout.. Remember the foul ball that Moises Alou was supposed catch. I'm just sayin...
Of course...this is a case of pot meet kettle. The Mets are blowing NL East big time.
Well, I don't really follow the game, but anything is a good diversion form reality, politics and the economy right now.
I'm not a baseball fan, so I go birdwatching instead. Love that cartoon.
News blackout.
And I quit watching baseball when the Tigers fell 30 games out of first.
How'd you do on the little test? I shit you not-- I had 100% match w Obama!
Not that this upcoming election is a game or joke...
or wait... maybe it IS!
OK I did the test Fran and I got 100% OBama too. LOL!!!
What are you worried about, girl? Even the Cubs can't blow this one. They'll make it, don't worry.
The White Sox...pfft! They have no bullpen and too many injuries. They aren't going anywhere until there is a huge shake up on that team. It's time for an over-haul. I think that's why I'm not so stressed, no expectations....not this year.
Randal, you are being a nattering nabob of negativism. So there.
Helen, I almost walked home with a dog.
Spartacus, ladidaladida, not listening. Of course, we will probably clinch against the Mets, so there. Go to the games, take pictures for me.
MariaMaria, not follow baseball? That's positively unpatriotic! Where's homeland security?
Robin, not follow... wait, I said that.
Missy, I feel your pain.
Fran, 100% for Obama. It was a goofy little quiz.
Mary Ellen, what's up with the White Sox? My god, they're folding in a hurry.
Diva- I saw this coming a long time ago, which is why I haven't been too excited as to where they are now. They've had injuries, the bullpen sucks, and there are only about three guys on the team that are hitting. It's been like that all season. I heard that Crede already emptied his locker (he was out with an injury and after this season he's a free agent). I think he may be moving on, I can't see him getting a new contract with big money because of his constant back problems. When he plays, he's great...one of the best.
I just take it in stride.
How can you watch baseball when football has started?
Mary Ellen, it's too bad about Crede. I mean, it sends a horrible message to the team if he did that without being told to do it. Cubs, on the other hand, have worked around injuries - Soriano spent a lot of time down this season; Kerry Wood. I just think it's our year.
Dean, for me, a Chicagoan transplanted to LALA Land, and a CUB fan, this is the first time since the year of Steve Bartman that I feel there may be baseball in October. Da Bears can wait.
My condolences, heh heh!
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