Yesterday, my daughter called me with a wonderful bit of news. She'd given Ellie raspberries for her desert. It was the last of the batch of raspberries, so my daughter kept saying "Ellie, give mommy a raspberry." Ellie would pretend to give my daughter a berry, then laugh, and pop it into her own mouth. This was a great game until the last berry. Ellie looked at it, picked it up, pretended to eat it, then gave it to her mommy. Wow.
I'm still working on the last set of photos my daughter sent me, and need more new ones. I love hearing her sweet voice on the phone. Yesterday, Ellie told me "Ahhh bab nrdrdrdrnrdr" then gave the phone back to her mommy and sat on the dog.
She's definitely a cutie. I like how she gave her last berry to mom. Sweet.
Robin, she is a cutie indeed. AND she whistles! I heard it with my own ears. Genius.
What a sweetheart. Being a grandma must be such fun -- I can;t wait.
Crabbi, she's just the best thing since sliced bread. I love my little Ellie Bean.
Aaaaawww Diva.... you're making me sooooo want another baby.... :)
Tina, the joy of being a grandmother is this: grandparents and grandchildren are united against a common enemy - mom & dad.
All the joy, none of the work, that's being a gramma. But having your own baby is great too. My daughter adores Ellie. My son-in-law adores her.
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