Charcol and I are not great friends. That's all I have to say about it. Unless it's charcol for barbque, and then I like it.
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
I like charcoal for BBQ too but I cannot get the stuff lit. We may have to boycott charcoal altogether. I do find this self portrait interesting but you seem distracted and unhappy. It seems to reflect a mood, not a person. Is that the charcoal?
Karena, distracted yes, and tired. It was a six day work week for me, and as a post-pregnant woman, I do tend to get tired by the weekend. And yesterday, after improv class, and a movie, I was just wiped out. But most of my portraits (self or otherwise) tend to be more about a mood than a real likeness. I'm interested in the internal dialogues.
Well you could have fooled me. That is a lovely charcoal drawing....
Thanks Sigrid. I appreciate it.
Well, the fact that your charcoal reflected your true mood and that a viewer of the portrait could detect it is a great testament to the artist.
I am still struggling with pre-post-pregnancy, formally known as perimenopause, so I am tired and grumply a lot of the time, but it is kind of freeing. The freedom to gripe and nap and not give a big darn is nice.
Karena, the freedom to nap -- oh, I wish I had that. Work has been getting in the way of blogging all week long!
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