I drew this in "Paint" on my computer. It's like working with the opposite hand. I also looked through any number that I am doing that I will not post. I wonder about what images don't make the cut and why, not just with me, but with others.
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
This is wonderful, very expressive. I'm really enjoying your self portraits, all so different, yet giving quite a picture of you!
Thanks Sigrid. It is quite energizing for me! I like doing it.
I can't draw on paper except for geometric shapes, but I could try this on Paint Shop...
Agi, Paint Shop works -- some of the participants are using photographs. Some draw, some are not visual artists but are doing it anyway. C'mon in, the party is fine!
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