Robert Kennedy, Jr's. lengthy article about the 2004 election is online at Rolling Stone. It is a must read. The online article has a number of "web only" citations; it is backed up with facts. And the first fact is this:
Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House. BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. (my emphasis).
The number of registered voters who were disenfranchised in Ohio alone is staggering, but Kennedy's article describes massive irregularities that the MSM ignored. Anomolies are one thing, but we experienced widespread fraud that benefited Bush and harmed Kerry.
What will prevent this administration from declaring an end to elections? Don't tell me our Constitution -- this administration has displayed blatant disregard for our Constitution; our laws mean nothing. Our phone records are monitered. Racial profiling is at a high level. How far will we slide down the slippery slope toward dictatorship?
Just say "no" takes on an altogether different weight when stacked up against these abuses of power.
Murkans will suffer any abuse so long as they have beer and TV; they are cowards.
What prevented Kerry from spending the 15 million in his coffers of legal defense for elections to investigate? The ONE PARTY SYSTEM, is what. I am so sick of this country and its politics. Hell, I'm sick of the citizens too. Thanks for posting this article.
I'm sick to my stomach over this. Not that the stolen election is any surprise...
I refuse to give up hope, though.
I read this article earlier today and have been feeling just sick (again). It is not new information, but Kennedy puts it together so well. It is crushing to think of the abuse that has been foisted on the American people, but at the same time most people nowadays do not seem to be awake and alert. TV and beer seems to be right on. More people vote on American Idol than for elections - at least that is something people seem to get excited about,but it is a numbingly dull and meaningless event. I want to throw out the bums in this administration. They weren't elected, they're making a horrendous mess of our world, they are an unmitigated disaster. How can we put ourselves on the line to stop them??
Hi everybody. How can we put ourselves on the line and stop them? Great question, Sigrid.
How do we stop a growing dictatorship BEFORE they start taking away our neighbors in the night? How do we stop them BEFORE they declare martial law, and an end to free elections?
I go back to Sept. 11, 2001 (although this all starts much earlier than that) -- when the attacks of Sept. 11 occurred, I had a sick sense that they had been allowed to occur by our (un)elected President. There is no way on earth that our government did not know this was going to happen. A very good friend and mentor was on AA11, which was the first plane to hit the first tower -- and I believe that she was murdered as much by the Bush administration as by the terrorists.
Don't forget, we armed and trained the Taliban. We supported them against Russia in Afghanistan. We armed Saddam Hussein as well.
But back to Sept. 11: I believe that it was the first step toward establishing a dictatorship fueled by fear and hatred.
The Nazis had it: tell the people they're being attacked; then convince them that the pacifists and anyone who dissents is a traitor. Control the media, control the arts.
Not all of us are cowards, though. More and more people are waking up. Change is in the air.
Wow, I'm definitely going to read it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Election reform is probably the most important issue we have to work on today. Because until we can get fair elections, nothing else can be solved. The same big money will continue to run the country - into the ground.
HW, you are absolutely right about election reform being the single greatest issue. If we can't fix that, nothing else will change.
That graph is especially telling. It does seem as if we were cut off from participation. Bush is the worst president in the history of our country. We are all going to be explaining this to future generations 50 years down the line (those of us still breathing, that is). Just like Germany still has to answer for Hitler - and probably always will.
TFLS, Skippy really is the worst president in history -- certainly the most dangerous administration.
BegoniaBeads, welcome to my blog! It's a whole new world here. And you're right, Bush has done more damage than any president in our history. We are on a slippery slope.
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