Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jeb Bush emulates his brother

Hat tip to Helen Wheels on this: Governor's veto halts access to documents. Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday vetoed a bill that would have allowed lawmakers to gain access to secret documents held by executive branch agencies.

The Bush brothers have complete disregard for anything but their own personal interest and gain. Ya think Jeb's running for President in 2008? I do.


robin andrea said...

I sure hope Jeb's not running. I think this country has suffered enough under the awful power of the Bush family. We need new people with names like Feingold or Edwards. Even a familiar name like Gore would work. Another Bush presidency would seriously drive me crazy.

DivaJood said...

Robin, I agree. I like Feingold, and I don't think Gore is running. But I do think that Jeb is going to throw his hat into the ring, and we'll have more Rovian tricks to deal with.

sumo said...

If Jeb makes it into the ring...well, that's it for me...I give up! We'll all need to find our neutral country of choice and move there. We'll not be safe from the ire of the rest of the world...ever!

DivaJood said...

Sumo, if Jeb makes it into the ring, it's because Rove has decided to give a fake election. I've picked New Zealand, or Australia, or maybe Canada (closer to my grandbaby.)

Impeaching George Bush is becoming more essential by the second. Unfortunately, that would put Cheney in office, and he's as bad or worse.

Alicia Morgan said...

We'd have to impeach both of them, which I am not at all reluctant to do. I have contended for a long time that Jeb is the next Bush in line, even though he had denied it.

DivaJood said...

Alicia, I agree. It is essential to impeach both Bush and Cheney, for criminal acts and disregard for Constitution. Essential. Impeaching Bush without Cheney would not change a thing. Rove planned this all very well. The man has balls of ice.