My cousins all say she looks like me. I'm not sure. But she is such a happy baby, even when she was covered with welts from her allergic reaction. All I want is a restoration of sanity to our country so she can have a safe place to grow up. I want us to stop polluting, and to cherish our land. I want her to have a better world than I came into. Is that asking too much?
No it isn't asking too much...and I sure hope it gets turned around...(the future that is) or life won't be worth living. And I have to wonder why the conservatives can't figure that out for themselves. Are they so blinded by greed and self absorption that even their futures no longer matter? They don't seem to look for the bottom line...they're more in the moment. And a very pretty grandbaby she is too.
Oh, DJ - she does look like you! That's a big reason we have kids - to make us care about a better world for them.
Is that asking too much? From this administration, apparently, the answer is yes. That's why they must be removed so sanity may be restored. Your grand-daughter is a beauty. The earth should be protected so that she will inherit a place that is livable and still vital and beautiful.
Sumo, this radical rightwing that has hijacked our country has created such a dichotomy that only the very wealthy will be able to afford simple basic needs. The rest of us will be struggling.
Alicia, thanks. I'm not so sure she does, but she makes a heck of a raspberry noise. But yes, we have children with a goal to care for our world.
Robin Andrea, the imbalance at times feels insurmountable, but when I look at Beanie, the urgency to heal the world becomes great.
I agree Diva: She does look like ya.
"Is that asking too much?"... I ask myself that very question when I look at BabyGirl.
And it's not just the unbelievably mammoth scale that BushCo has hijacked our very way of life and liberties. I look at her and I have pangs of guilt that I get to enjoy my sweet and beautiful child while how many Iraqi mothers hate me and are jealous of me b/c my child is alive? How many American mothers get to be jealous of me b/c my husband is alive and able to raise my child with me while their husband is dead now from being in Iraq?
It is just all so God damned sad and gut punching to think of.
Tina, it's such a disconnect. On the one hand, as Alicia says, we have kids (and then hopefully grandkids) to make us care about their future. And on the other hand, when we look at the way their future is being stripped away by these criminals in office, it becomes heartbreaking.
Somehow, we have to keep on trying to right the wrongs. It is essential to not give up.
That is not too much to ask, and seeing that my wife is due to give birth to our first child in TWO DAYS, I often find myself contemplating the same sentiment. I just wanted to say stay strong and remember that the struggle will not end over night. I also wanted to make nice about the debate we had on my site. I sensed a bit of emotion from you, and I wanted to say that I appreciate your passion for your side. I have recently written a post inspired by our talks.
Check it out. The invite is for all of diva’s readers.
BZ, congratulations in advance on the impending birth of your first child. Children are our hope, and hope is what should drive us to right the wrongs of this government.
As for the Israel/Palestine debate - I love a good exchange of ideas that don't resort to name-calling and personal attacks. It is exhilirating.
that is why we keep fighting the fight.
After seeing Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", I became even more aware of what we have done, and continue to do to make this planet unihabitable for our children and grandchildren. EVERYONE should see this movie. I had a deep emotional reaction to it. It is the first time I have sobbed in many, many years. If we do not get rid of the monsters we have in Congress and in the White House very soon, there will be little left as the oil companies continue to plunder and pollute. Only two large countries in this world did not sign on to the Kiyoto Agreement, and guess what? We are one of them.
Anonymous, that movie is powerful. Still, Gore left me with a feeling that there is hope - we can reverse the effects of global warming if we make some major, drastic changes. It is possible, but we have to act globally and locally.
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